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CHQ Hiring?

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Anybody know their realistic hiring mins? I can get their stated mins off the website, but what are you guys swimming in the pool with on your resume?

Thanks for the help!
As far as I know, the only people that are swimming in the pool are Purdue grads. Everyone else that interviews successfully has been given a classdate, not too far away from the time that they interviewed. Hope that provides a little help. Not sure what the competitive times are, it helps if you can have someone walk your stuff in though

maddog805 said:
......and they forgot to tell you that management will FIRE you if they don't need you and the "teamsters" won't do sh!t to help you......and......they will undercut other carriers so they can whore their pilots out for chicken feed (its rediculous what they pay), employee moral is at an all time low........uh.......other than that they're a GREAT company to work for!


Sounds like a personal problem. BTW what airline do you work for?
CHQ's pool also consisted of some who interviewed successfully right near 9/11 and were floating in the pool ever since...unless they've all been plucked out by now.

From my observations, you need to have your stuff walked in if you want a chance.
CHQ Mins

FO Friend there recently walked in a resume for me after finding out I met their current level of expereience desired for 2k total and 300 ME. No mention of PIC, IFR or Turbine, though I am quite stocked in all columns. Friend has good repor with recruiter there and said I should be near the top to call for Interview. Heard nothing so far. Guess nothing there happens fast.

Noticed increasing hostility, agitation and dispariging remarks in a lot more threads than normal around here. I am not going to ask if we can all just get along? I will simply point out: the most pathetically unuseful or aRsenine piece of garbage posted on any segment of this board, well deserving of a good flame may just originate from a potential or future Captain, CP, Check Airman or DO. Remember that when replying to the thread. Be humble where you are at while you are there and respectful of it after you leave. You never know what or who you will need tomorrow.

Some people have information while others think they have information. What is relevant for one may be a neusance for others. If I were one who thought I had something useful to present and fearful of criticism from many of you, I would keep it to myself. What a crime this would be and a lost opportunity for one of my fellow aviators who could find the info priceless. If you just want to see yourself published, that is fine. If you want to argue with someone about an idea or info posted, work it out over your emails. Do not condiscend one of your brothers or sisters here in print for sharing what they think they might know. Many times they are not tooting their own horn, they just want to find clarity or confirmation. This is no time or place to be tearing each other down. If anything, our solidarity should stand out against management and ownership malpractice at our places of employment. Show them we won't cross picket lines and we won't crawl all over each other to take what ever we can get for what ever they will payans most of all we qill hold them accountable for their actions with company assets and concepts. We will get through this, some will get through on furlough and others will lose there job because someone doesn't like them and they have to decide on somebody to let go. Get a smaller house, lose a car payment and eat Ramen noodles, whatever it takes but you will survive. I am in it for the passion of flight. Others are in it for the money. Two completely different drives with one very specific Goal: FLY! For a company that will let you determine what, where, who/which(FA's) and how much you fly.

Companies read these venues to get a feel for what they can get away with by how we are treating one another. I can't prove it but would bet money, they also know who you are, posting these threads and try to keep those personalities well clear of their cockpits.

Be safe, Be Bretheren, by God Be Pilots!

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maddog805 said:
......and they forgot to tell you that management will FIRE you if they don't need you and the "teamsters" won't do sh!t to help you......and......they will undercut other carriers so they can whore their pilots out for chicken feed (its rediculous what they pay), employee moral is at an all time low........uh.......other than that they're a GREAT company to work for!


For those who find Maddog's post too extreme....you must rememeber that CHQ FIRED 125 of their pilots (I was one). Not a single other airline fired their people. And yes union representation is weak.

But hey they already did it once, they wouldn't do it again, right???
hiring minimums

Does anyone know if they are hard and firm on their minimums........specifically the 300 Multi? Would 200 Multi get a look at the resume or thrown in the trash?
Does anyone know if they are hard and firm on their minimums........specifically the 300 Multi? Would 200 Multi get a look at the resume or thrown in the trash?

Just send your resume anyways, you never know. I mean how much does it cost to send it? It's worth the 37 cent risk don't you think?

I haven't been on this site for MONTHS!! I come back here to see what I missed and I see this:

......and they forgot to tell you that management will FIRE you if they don't need you and the "teamsters" won't do sh!t to help you......and......they will undercut other carriers so they can whore their pilots out for chicken feed (its rediculous what they pay), employee moral is at an all time low........uh.......other than that they're a GREAT company to work for!


Looks like my former CHQ buddy had some fun! Way to go cannuck!!

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