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Choosing Wisely

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
My sister has two interviews next week, one with American Eagle & the other with a reputable Cargo feeder.

Both are good opportunities for her, and both will require either a commute or a move to base.

Just so she knows there are other opinions out there, feel free to give opinions/suggestions on which one you think is best given the industry and where you see it's headed.

I can take a few jokes, but I'm really looking for honest & thoughtful answers....


Not enough info...what equipment at the so called reputable cargo feeder? How long are the upgrade times? How much flight time per year? Some of those feeder jobs are great if you get based where you live and only want to fly 12 hours a week...but you're looking at a very long time to fatten up the logbook to a competetive TT.

Anything to do with the world's largest (at least for the time being) and most dysfunctional airline or their feeder should be considered very carefully and with much suspicsion...
Not nearly enough info. First of all, is she hot? If so, have her call me to discuss. If not, just flip a coin cause that's more accurate of a decision than anything any rational human being can come up with anyway.
The cargo job is turbine and salaried, CASS, expected upgrade is 1 to 1.5 years according to other pilots & their recruiter. They average about 60 hours a month and have the soonest class date. All 4-weeks of training is unpaid.

Does that help??? ;)

The cargo job is turbine and salaried, CASS, expected upgrade is 1 to 1.5 years according to other pilots & their recruiter. They average about 60 hours a month and have the soonest class date. All 4-weeks of training is unpaid.

Does that help??? ;)


No, you still didn't answer the question. :laugh: But seriouslly, is it multi engine turbine? If its caravan, I would recommend the regional and get multi jet time. What about pay for the average line? You said a move or commute was inevitable, but is one commute easier than the other? Does one employer have more desireable domiciles than the other? Family pass bennies? Lots of factors at play.
It really depends what she is looking at, if things stay the same as they are now at Eagle I would tell her to consider it, I really like it here, the pay is good, days off are good, and the upgrade time is decreasing. However our future is very, very uncertain. AMR may sell, or divest us, AMR may go bankrupt, then all bets are off.
It doesn't matter which she picks. She is a chick. That will get her to a major faster than a white dude with 7000 TT and 3000 PIC jet...
Yes, the cargo job is Multi-Engine Turbine and has the standard health benefits & 401K. No travel benefits except for a CASS jumpseat for the employee.

We all know nothing is certain these days, and although I did my time at Eagle, I'm glad I made the jump when I did. Initially, I encouraged her to apply to AE first (and it's still her 1st choice 121-wise) but I think this cargo gig has Eagle beat. I think it could set her up for the option in a short period of time.

My feelings are this: so what if you only fly between 30-60 hours a month flying cargo. It's salaried and boxes continue to be very stable. However, her friends are at Eagle, she'll fly the hours at Eagle, and I think she'd have a blast with her flight benefits...if she can afford to USE them! :)

No harm in going to both interviews. Just trying to be a good mentor, see if there are things I haven't considered in this dillema. Thanks for all the help!

Not nearly enough info. First of all, is she hot? If so, have her call me to discuss. If not, just flip a coin cause that's more accurate of a decision than anything any rational human being can come up with anyway.

You are a loser, so she want be calling you.

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