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Mar 9, 2005
I've posted this before but maybe I'll get lucky one of these times!??! Anybody know of a foot in the door around Chicago. I live in the area and would like to simply make a living flying an airplane in the area

Motorola, Allstate HSBC (Household),Henry Crown,Duchossois, DB Aviation, Klien, Baxter, Priester ect ect ect.

I'd be willing to fly anything that won't explode on me. I have emailed a few resumes with no results. If anyone has a thought let me knoe or PM me.
I know several people at Priester. They're hiring Lear guys.
DB seems to be hiring for one reason or another. Priester is always busy, Sterling in MKE might be an option if your on the north side of town, some operation out of JVL is looking.......
Chicago corporate is a very closed society. It doesn't matter what quals you have earned or what you think or want. It matters what and who you know. Street credibility is the word. No offense intended to you or anyone like you. You can read the net for intel in NY or LA and it helps, Chicago is... well, different and paranoid. Good luck. pm me if you want more

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