Lears and Falcon 20's. I made 28,000 my first year, 48,000 the second year. I think the scedule is 5 on 2 off, 12 on 3 off or something like that. Upgrade varies, due to Sept 11. It used to average about a year or less. It is your typical cargo company. Perdiem is 24 dollars a day. You will spend a lot of time sitting on the road.
Forgot the contracts
1yr for co-pilot , it used to be 6,000"non prorating"
2yr non -prorating. It has been as low as 14,500 and as high as 21,000. Mabe a current Cherry pilot will give you the newest info.
Cherry has lear 25's & falcon 20's.Based at ADS.
1st year fo base 18K and .05 per mile,$24 per diem
1st year capt 30K and .07 year
The schedule is back to a 21 and 7.
raises have been frozen and no more company matched 401K
Fo contract is for 1 year,can't remember $$
capt is for 2 years,nothing prorated and 19K for lears and I
think 21K for the falcon.Lots of time on the road.As far as upgrades,don't know.
I have a friend that flys the Falcon for them and he says he sometimes spends about 19 days away from home. Just sitting in a hotel room waiting for dispatch to call with a trip. Would kinda make it hard on the family life.
You don't want to work at Cherry "Scary Air". I honestly don't know if they are hiring. You can call 1800-831-8603 and ask. That is the main line, I think the Chief pilots number is 972-739-0724 I think?????
Hei Kid (FLYCMI) don't waste your time w/Cherry Air. You will regret all your life. Use it only if you don't have other choice. I will give you a place to apply. Try this: www.google.com and after that type texas A&M (in college station). You will find a co-pilot postion available (requires 500 hours - I see you have that). It's part 91 and pays better. Good Luck and welcome to the inferno called aviation lovers.
Lasciate ogni speranza lei che intrate qui - Petrarca
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