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Cheap pilots

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I don't give the van driver a dime, UNLESS he helps me with my bags.

I guess I'm the odd ball... I do both, carry my own bags and tip.. but then I guess I believe in the old adage "What goes around comes around".
I guess I'm the odd ball... I do both, carry my own bags and tip.. but then I guess I believe in the old adage "What goes around comes around".

You're starting to confuse me now. Are you expecting the passengers to tip you on the way out the door? What are you tipping the driver for, just doing his job? Do you tip the mailman, too? Put tips in the styrofoam cup at the TCBY or Subway counters? Anything you don't tip for?
You're starting to confuse me now. Are you expecting the passengers to tip you on the way out the door? What are you tipping the driver for, just doing his job? Do you tip the mailman, too? Put tips in the styrofoam cup at the TCBY or Subway counters? Anything you don't tip for?

We actually give the mailman, the Fedex and UPS drivers all $20 gift cards for Christmas.. yes. God has blessed us, so we take care of those who have less.. in many cases this also yields MUCH better service.. I get things from my delivery people that many wish they could get.. like their cell phone numbers.. ;)
btw... when I used to fly $20,000,000 Citation X's for charter... I occasionally had customers that would give me a $100-$200 tip for "doing my job".. guess what.. I did MORE than my job when I had them on my plane.. Which is to say, I went over and above for them.
We actually give the mailman, the Fedex and UPS drivers all $20 gift cards for Christmas.. yes. God has blessed us, so we take care of those who have less.. in many cases this also yields MUCH better service.. I get things from my delivery people that many wish they could get.. like their cell phone numbers.. ;)

Well, I stand corrected. Looks like you're one of the few people out there who can actually back your stuff up. Good on you.
We actually give the mailman, the Fedex and UPS drivers all $20 gift cards for Christmas.. yes. God has blessed us, so we take care of those who have less.. ;)

Sad thing is, If your UPS & Fedex guys/gals have been around a while, I know they make more that you and I!
Time for some facts.
Now we diverge a bit on this one..

Last time I checked, there weren't many F/A's that had a requirement for a university education(so what, they take a good oppertunity and run with it) and years of technical training with $100,000 ERAU student loans(again the pilots are the suckers for taking on that large of debt), or 9-12 years of military training or service to land their job(the pilots chose to get into the military, no one forced them to join). No, actually most of them were working at some other job (maybe the makeup counter at Macy's, or the local IHOP) and with in literally 3-5 weeks were trained up and on the line doing their job(too bad, don't go into such heavy debt and your life will be much easier).. In the end the F/A position was never intended to be a career one, but just a temporary job for a young single woman(yes this is true, way too many hags in this buisness)... It evolved into this "profession" with the over unionization of the airlines where non-skilled workers began to equate themselves to pilots and mechanics with years of training and experience.(pilots and mechanics unions set a horrific example, they made themselves to be much more important than they really are.)

So you should be more upset with the fact that many Regional FO's take home less than an FA.. that's what should get your blood boiling.(why? the regional FOs made a CHOICE to make that type of money. Quit your whining and do something productive with your energy

To summarize certain pilots are idiots for taking on such large debt loads. They then whine and complain about how little they make then they make the CHOICE to work for those wages and about how large their student debt load is. This is America, we make choices about our lives here. No one was forced into debt. It is actually quite hilarious to see the pilots in debt whine about how bad they have it when it is self inflicted.
Time for some facts.

To summarize certain pilots are idiots for taking on such large debt loads. They then whine and complain about how little they make then they make the CHOICE to work for those wages and about how large their student debt load is. This is America, we make choices about our lives here. No one was forced into debt. It is actually quite hilarious to see the pilots in debt whine about how bad they have it when it is self inflicted.

Facts? ok, lets break them down then..

First off, personally, I have no debt, nor did I attend any 141 flight school... but some did, and this debt was accrued while they were young, impressionable and being fed a bunch of garbage by career councilors about a "Pilot Shortage" bull**** story drummed up by the ATA, AOPA and various pilot farms like ERAU, FSI, ATP, et al.. Yes, I believe there was a bit of a conspiracy to flood the job market with pilots that these various entities unwittingly found themselves working together on. And guess what? It worked, we now have the idea that a fair wage to fly an airplane under FAR 121 is as little as $16,000/yr.

So it's not fair to call it a "choice" that some of these kids got into debt. That would be like calling Doctors whining just because they are unhappy with the cost of medical practice insurance. That said, even the cheapest pilot training is going to take 9-12 years away from your life (military), and requires more investment than learning to "arm doors" and serve coffee and tee... Yes its' America, and yes we have choice, but choice equals not license... there is a moral factor to everything, and this country is supposed to be a beacon for the world when it comes to the fairness out our system, or are we just full of hot air when we tell the rest of the world this "fact"?
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Cheap pilots? Hmm, I think this thread should be about flight attendants.

It’s amazing how few of them tip van driver for example; they usually grab their bags (once the driver offloads them) and off they go. I know I’m generalizing but in my opinion the ones who tip are a tiny minority.

The only drivers I don't tip are the ones who insist my F/A's, who take home $800 a month, give them a buck when they are taking home $2,000 a month to drive a van around town.

Which airline do you work for? АЄРОФЛОТ?

I know FAs aren’t very highly compensated but neither are the pilots. I don’t buy the $800/month argument.

- if you take into the account the years of training, the flying experience, the student loans, or military service, etc, one could even argue that FAs are overpaid compared to the pilots but that’s a different story.

I just opened up a can of worms didn't I? ;)

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