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Chautauqua Strike

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I hope you guys do stand up to management, because you guy deserve it along with all other regional!!!

But I will say this just to throw in another cat in the fight. We have been told here at the WO of USAirways that as the RJs come online that we will be letting the contracts with the contract carriers expire. As of right now TWO contract carriers have been notified that U will not continue to code share with them when there contract is up. The funny thing is that management would not tell us which TWO it was. According to Dave's plan U will slowly be getting rid of all contract carriers (Yes, even Mesa) and have all flying done by Mainline, Mid-Atlantic, and the 3 WOs. Remeber guys this the say guy who went in and constructed Contiental and Express Jet. So for you SA guys, dont let them threaten you with RJs unless your company has a new code share agreement coming to life. Just some info thought you guys would like to know!

I am behind you guys all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shuttle America Pilots definitely need to take a stand now. Ten percent below Mesa for Jets ( *IF* you get them) ? ! If you don't stand up now, when will you?
I will definitely be sending my contribution to the strike fund.

Tow the line, guys. You deserve to be fairly compensated for the job that you have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get.

Best of luck...
I'm a little unclear, have you been released for self help by the labor relations board?

If so, is this a strike vote or is it an authorization by the pilots to conduct a strike vote and finally, where do I send my contribution to your strike fund.


A Mesa boy.
Forgive me guys, but sitting on Reserve as a commuter means I don't spend any time with my kids and all my time on the computer. Commuter, computer... It rhymes. My high profile is probably not good for my career longevity, but I don't really see any harm in facilitating the flow of information. Surely nobody will take issue with that, Management or Union.

Any way, here is what I know based on my constant bouncing around from Message Board to Message Board to Message Board:

We have not been released for a cooling off period. However, since the company has walked away from the table we will probably be released in short order. The vote will be on an actual strike. Once that passes, our EC can then authorize a walkout after we finish our 30-day cooling off period (again, we have not been released for that, so the clock has not begun).

I do not know of a Strike Fund as yet. I will find out. Your gesture is greatly appreciated. Hopefully we won't need it.
Well, based in part upon some very rusty memories from undergraduate Labor Relations Management classes....

During negotiations...

When two parites cannot agree with one another they can enlist the assistance of a mediator. In fact I believe they must. The mediator is supposed to act as an impartial facilitator, though 90% of the time they side with Management. When the two parties reach an IMPASSE (this is key) the labor union can ask for permission to take "Self Help." This can take many forms but usually winds up with a Strike. It can take place NO SOONER than 30 days following the Mediators "release" for self-help.

The Union Executive Council (EC) sends out a strike vote to its membership (though in some cases, including ours here at CHQ, it does not always *NEED* a vote to declare a work stoppage). If the measure passes, the EC can then declare a self-help action (again, no sooner than 30-days after they mediator has released them to take said self help).

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