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Charter in SoCal?

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2005
All right folks, I need some help. I am looking for some quality input on the charter situation in SoCal. I know a lot of you regulars are based and flying charter in SoCal, or have been fortunate enough to make the jump to 91 stuff. I am another former airline guy trying to cut my ties with the dark side so any help is appreciated.

I was hoping for some information on what a typical month/week/day schedule might be for various operators in the area. I know VNY and BUR are very active, so what kind of schedule/QOL can one expect at a decent operator. Any comparisons between various operators (Air Group, TWC, Clay Lacy, Spirit, etc.)? What about operators at other airports heading north (CMA, OXR, SBA, SMX)? I have done some searching, but could really use some insight into the details of specific operations. How many RON's per month? What's the longest trip you can be out on (is there a max)? How many hours per day/week are you on call? How many hard days off a month? Are FO's type rated? Starting pay? Is there a yearly increase for pay? What about per diem? What kind of lodging on the road (Hilton vs Motel 6)? Typical benefits (health/dental/vision/401k)?

I know much of this information depends on what aircraft you are flying, but I am interested in hearing as many specific details as possible. Also, how would a decent 135 operator in SoCal compare to Netjets (LAX)? I am trying to gather as much insightful information as possible while deciding what aviation avenue to wander down next.

I have over 3000hrs, some jet, lots a turboprop (ATP with one TP type). I have worked for a couple different 121 airlines and a couple different 135 freight carriers in my illustrious career thus far. Please PM me or post any useful input you might care to share. Thanks.
SoCal 135 ops.....

Schedule?.........Your'e kidding, right?.

RON's per month?........A lot!

Longest Trip?..............3 weeks for me, but I bet many others can beat that

Hours/days per week on call?.........24/7

Hard days off per month?........ZERO!

Starting Pay?.......As little as they can get away with!

Yearly pay increase?.........Perhaps, usually as small as possible

Per Diem?...........Again, As little as possible

Kind of lodging?.........Hilton one day Motel 6 the next, depends where you are and what's available

Dropping the Sarcasm for a bit, the QOL/Pay/Benefits in this business does vary greatly from one operator to the next and even with different aircraft types within the same company, but the bottom line is if a schedule and hard days off in advance with few RON's are important to you then this is probably the wrong business to be in.
West Coast has a nice 5/2 schedule for King Air Captains, with a three day weekend built in every month to boot!

Currently, though, we are only hiring King Air FO's.
Makesheepnervus said:
Dropping the Sarcasm for a bit, the QOL/Pay/Benefits in this business does vary greatly from one operator to the next and even with different aircraft types within the same company, but the bottom line is if a schedule and hard days off in advance with few RON's are important to you then this is probably the wrong business to be in.

I understand the specifcs do vary greatly from one end of the spectrum to the other. With that in mind, I am still seeking some input from anybody else out there who has details for specific operators and or aircraft in the area.

I currently have a flying job, but 3 airlines later I am still looking for a career. If I have to get another 135 job in order to get a corporate type rating and some experience, I would like to do so with the best possible company. So, any specifics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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