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Charlotte Area Corporate Jobs?

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Active member
Dec 8, 2004
Can anyone help with....Looking for the perfect Corporate Flying job in Charlotte. Currently 121 SIC in CRJ. Only Turbine PIC is in the King Air 200.
TT=5000 ME=3000 Tur=2000 PIC=2400. Any leads or advice would be great. Thanks.
Have you looked at the Nascar teams. Lots of stuff at JQF and Richard Childress Racing is out in Lexington, I heard that they were looking.
Doesnt Citation Shares have a domicile out of GSO, CLT, or RDU? Not exactly corporate, but a good company.
Sorry I could not help more.
There is also a search function on this board. You may find it handy as your question has been asked at least 6 times in the last year. One of the those being last week.

Get your suit on and comfortable shoes and start going door to door. You've got a lot of USAir guys to beat out... It CAN be done, though. Good luck.TC
hey dont kid about the "Irish Concorde"..remember...any way you slice it, it comes out square...

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