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CFIs, do you log ground given?

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Absolutely I do log ground time in the student's logbook and track it in my records (PDA notes + Logbook Pro 4 PDA + Quickbooks 4 PDA). Our local FSDO/CFI Inspector made it quite clear that the FAA considered this to be a hot button item & they would be processing violations on those CFIs that did not comply.

The CFIs that attended the get-together where this was discussed never considered logging ground to be anything other than standard.

Those active local CFIs that did not attend have been advised, and same with this message board---you've been warned.

BTW, anyone other than CA CFIs noticing a trend towards an immediate 709 ride required of a CFI involved in an incident or accident? Does it seem that the Inspectors are scheduling the ride even before the wreckage stops smoldering from the accident?

Jedi Nein
"A question to you veteran CFIs - how do you manage to log all this when you are going one after another with students? "


You just have to make time for it. schedule a little more post flight time. I know this is easier said than done but it will C.Y.A. in the long run.
By not logging ground, you are documenting insufficient training. Nothing ever happens with that unless there is an accident and the family wants to sue.
If the training was done by a person or school with money, and they don't have the training well documented, the lawyer will win. If the training was conducted by an individual with no money (typical CFI) then no lawsuit will result, except in the most obvious cases of insufficient training, which would probably result in criminal charges.
This is the time worn habit pattern of training/logging.
If you've got somthing to lose, document and log all training in detail. If you have nothing to lose, don't be too concerned about it.
how do you manage to log all this when you are going one after another with students?
I use an in-flight kneeboard-sized form for all flight instruction. It lists all of the PTS tasks with space to check off or grade the ones we covered in a lesson. The heading area includes the usual logbook numerical categories, including a box for ground time.

For me, the advantage is that I can document far more for one lesson, whether flight and/or ground, than can fit on a full logbook page, let alone in a single "maneuvers, etc." area.

From a record-keeping standpoint, it serves the same general function as the Jepp-style folder, but is more flexible. And it's in NCR duplicate, gets signed by both me and the student, so it becomes a permanent record for both of us.

I have graphics of it here (excuse the pop-ups; it's an auxiliary site)

If I do a ground session with my Part 61 guys, I put it in the back of their log books. There are a few pages for "Ground Instruction" already in the logbook
Flyingtoohigh said:

Do you have those forms made for you somewhere locally or do you order them from a pilot supply store?
I'd like to know also.

BoDEAN said:
If I do a ground session with my Part 61 guys, I put it in the back of their log books. There are a few pages for "Ground Instruction" already in the logbook
Do you keep any documentation for yourself?
No, not really.
I have copy of JEPP sylabus, that I make notes on with the date saying what I did.
That's probably wouldn't provide you with enough protection in the event of an FAA investigation or lawsuit. Unfortunately, it's a requirement of the times we live in. Remember - CYA.:(

Lead Sled
Maybe I should reread the thread, and get a better system on "my" end then.............. thanks for the heads up

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