I wish you the best of luck. I have no advice to give, as I am soon to follow in your footsteps. I told myself that I will not beat myself up if I fail, as I am told something like 90% fail on the first attempt.
I will look forward to reading your checkride account. I am so nervoud about mine, I can hardly stand it!
Just answer the examiners questions directly.
Don't put your own "what if Situations" into the answers. It could bite you because it could lead the examiner to more questions.
Don't let them rattle you, sometimes they will try to, just to see what happens they tride on me,its part of the test so the FED told me. Mine was also held over a 2 day period. IT seems like a long 2 days, but you will feel a sense of accomplishment once your done.
Get a good nite sleep, during the check ride just relax, and remember the examiner put their pants on just like you.
Good Luck, and let us know
Dont sweat it. Stay calm. Just remember that the examiner holds your ticket in his or her hands. Be honest with him or her. Remember they want to see that you are up to the job. They want to see that you can handle any situation that comes up. They dont expect you to know everything. If you dont know, find out. Dont BS. I have signed off 11 CFI's in my life and they all passed at the local FSDO first time. That's luck. But I told them all to take there time and be professional.
Just remember:
The Airline Transport Pilot leaps tall buildings in a single bound, is more powerful than a 757, is faster than a speeding bullet, walks on water and gives policy to God.
The Multi-Engine Pilot leaps short building in a single bound, is more powerful than an RJ, is just as fast as a speeding bullet, walks on water if it is calm and talks to God.
The Instrument Pilot leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable wind conditions. He is nearly as powerful as a Learjet, almost as fast as a speeding bullet, walks on water of an indoor pool and talks to God if special request is approved.
The Private Pilot makes high marks on walls when trying to leap buildings, is run over by Piper Arrows, sometimes handles an airplane without inflicting self injury, can dog paddle and talks to animals.
The Soloed Student runs into buildings, recognizes a Cessna 172 2 out of 3 times, is issued a parachute, can stay afloat if properly instructed, and talks to water.
The CFI lifts buildings and walks under them, Kicks planes out of hangers, catches speeding bullets with his teeth and chews them, freezes water with a single glance. The CFI is GOD.
Bring two cases full of reference material. Remember, the FAA's take on things is the final word. Therefore, look up any answers you don't know in FAA material.
Don't act like a know-it-all. That applies to any practical, but especially the CFI.
Answer only what is asked. Don't volunteer information. Resist the urge to expound on your answers, lest you dig yourself into a hole from which you can't get out.
Lots of luck. Let us know how it went. But, before telling us, do your CFI a favor and call him/her first.
Well.....i passed the oral portion. Only 2hrs 45min. Went pretty well. The examiner was pleased with my preperation. Now we fly tommorow morning, so we'll see.
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