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CFI Renewal/Reinstatement

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CFIse said:
For once and for all, the DE does NOT decide what exam you take. You present yourself for re-certification with a completed 8710 which specifies which certificate or rating you are applying for. The DE will test you, within the boundaries of their discretion on the tasks of that certificate or rating.

Practically - any DE who's been giving exams for more than about a day can assess your readiness for both the checkride and to be a practicing CFI again in the first 10 minutes (or less) and then if they decide you don't need to be out there teaching people they'll find something, probably many things, and probably pretty quickly, to fail you on BASED ON THE REQUIRED TASKS OF THE EXAMINATION YOU APPLIED FOR.

Ten minutes with the FOI and whatever that bizarre pyramid of learning that I once knew, and most people would be a goner........

Everthing stated above is correct. And regarding the FOI information, questions on that material are not on the renewal/reinstatment checkride as per the PTS chart for such rides.

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