How easy is it to transition from Single engine Cessna's like a 172 or 182 to a Cessna 337. I have a multi engine rating with 50 hours in a Piper Apache. Any advice from some 337 veterans would be great. Thanks
One of my favorite airplanes. Very sadly , I have no time in them, but I can tell you what I've heard.
I hear the 337 is a great airplane and easy to land, like a 182 (although sometimes, it's all to easy to land a 182 flat). You start up the rear engine first. I thought I heard the rear engine can overheat easily unless you watch it closely. The 337 supposed to be a pretty good airplane on instruments.
Cool airplane with a certain panache. Of course, the AF beefed them up and used them for FAC in Vietnam. I heard somewhere that a few of those 337s may still be in commission, although the OV-10 took over that role.
Hope that helps a little. Have a great time; I'm envious!
Actually the OV-10s that replaced them are gone too, except for but CDF flies them and I believe BLM does too. And also state department anti drug ops in south america
The 337 is a nice flying airplane, Like a big 182 about the same as far as control pressures as a 210 i.e. a bit heavy in pitch it definately requires trim. Very stable nice roll caracteristics put it in a bank trim the pitch and it just stays there. I don't know of any requirement to start the rear engine first, There is an AD that requires leading with rear engine power on takeoff. I never had any problems with overheating the rear engine on the ground , maybe the turbo and press. models are more sensitive.
My dad flew the 0-2 in the guard for a short time before they switched to the A-37. I remember aftermorining kindergarden one day I was home watching bugs bunny when I herd an airplane outside. Being the airplane kid I was/am I looked out the living room window to see an O-2 comming at us in about a 15-20 degree dive just clearing the tree tops. I took off for the back door to see the 0-2 complete its pullup high and to the left (east). It was part of my dads checkout in the plane as he had just joined the guard. In thoes days the squd. boss had a farm in what was then the boonies of bucks county. They would takeoff and go shoot rockets at the grove and then fly up to his farm land one his small strip to make steak and eggs for breakfast then takeoff and rtb to drink in the bar. Ahh the good old days of the guard as the "airline pilots flying club". Try that today. One day they were shooting smoke rockets down at the grove (pine barrens NJ) when one skiped off one of the targets and continued across a road (NJ route 57 or something) and started a forrest fire. I have pics of me sitting in them and hanging from the struts when I was 4 or 5. From what I remember all the guys like flying them but didn't want to fight in them.
I've flown in the back of a 337 with a Rocket conversion, and it was pretty cool. We were pretty close to gross, and with an engine shut down, we were still getting 600+ fpm of climb. Amazing!
I flew a 336 to help spread my grandfather's ashes over the Gulf, and it flew and landed like a 182 to me.
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