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Cell Phones

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I have been using Cingular for about two years. I just switched to Alltel just because I wanted a new phone and Cingular's system would not support it in the very small town that I live in. I had no problems at all with Cingular's service and would switch back if they supported my new phone. I have been using Alltel for about two weeks and so far so good. They just switched to digital service in my home town. Prior to that service was terrible I was told by friends who were using it before. I believe they are partnered with Verizon for their nation wide service.
I have three phones on my plan ( I operate a small flight school) and Alltel was willing to give me a Kyocera 7135 PDA/phone which retails for $499.00 for $250.00 plus two months free nation wide service for all three phones! Cingular couldn't compete and I am only so loyal. So far I am happy with the service with Alltel.

Thanks to everyone for there response, I was wondering why Verizon was not offered in my area but I guess it must be a deal with Alltel.

I had Cingular for two years a while back, I had no trouble with the phone service, but the customer service was horrible. This was when it was BellSouth Mobility.

I have still not switched and I am sure many other folks are interested in this topic, so please everyone, let us know what you think of your service.

Hey stillaboo, what happened to my little asian friend on your Avatar? I looked fwd to seeing her everyday!!
This has not come up yet, but T-Mobil and Att (the GSM version) are plain crap. This is in South FL by the way, I did not commute with them but this is supposed to be a well developed area for both provider. Yeah right...

We both (me & wife) had Cingular before and since we are from Europe and have used GSM phones since 1994 I could not wait to change to GSM here as I was not too happy with the clarity of TDM (is it called that?).

To make it short, it was a bad move. With Cingular coverage was pretty good, but quality was just "alright". T-mobile and Att are both nightmares, especially T-mobile. Stay away... IMO for a long while GSM networks won't delivery in the USA. They will need years to build it up.

I have the T-mobile, my wife has the Att. I won't comment on Att but this is what I am going through with T-mobile (and it is not the phone, I have tried 3 different phones):

- every 2nd outgoing call is dropped or just hangs (50%) until I re-initiate the call
- echo (I have never had or heard of echo with a GSM network, either you can or you cannot call... that is it)
- on major roads and highways within the official coverage area is no coverage
- peak times you get a message of: "Due to high call volume of calls... jada... jada..."
- voice mail has to be reset every 3-4 months because I get no txt message about the fact that someone left me a message

My contract is coming up soon, so does hers... I guess we will go back to cingular or may be voice stream based on the above posts.

I have had good service with TMobile.
Its not the best coverage in the US, but overseas its great.

Also use verizon and think they have the best US coverage, hands down.
You got good coverage overseas because the partner GSM networks are already built up. You could pick any GSM provider in the USA and travel to say Germany and have 100% coverage as long their contract partners have good coverage, at least in Europe they all have that for a few years. Well... I guess that was not much of a news to anyone here.

The only problem I encountered with intl roaming that the charges often are so high that it is better to buy a prepaid SIM card once you get to your destination country and put that into your phone, as long you have a tri band phone that is.

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