You Raw Dog, that was too funny! You are right though, seems like you get over 55-56 and the technology is a boat anchor, cause they don't need that new fangled jigga-mu-call-it to tell them where they are going. The best is when you show one of those old coots something it can do and 1 of 3 things happen: They get pissed off cause they and their egos think you are trying to show them how to fly. (2) They want to make it 10Xs harder than it is cause they have been doing it "their way" (you know, the right way) all this time, or (3) they simply don't trust it, fumble with it until they confuse themselves and lock it up, then won't use it casue it is locked up now and broke. I agree with an above post, at 60, your time has come and gone, you are not sharp anymore, and your decision making capacity is greatly deminished, so move aside on your own so you don't get run off. Let the younger guys in there to clean up tired 30 year old department policies, bring innovation and technology to the department, and smooth out the flying (No more Wally slamming back the power levers to Flt Idle and pitching the nose down 20 degrees to begin a decent out of cruise).
Gulfstream 200 said:Then who is going to teach the old farts how to fumble through the technology?
2 geriatrics in a G550/Glex/ about underutilization.
"back when I flew the Grumman 2"....
(adjusts hearing aid)
"huh, Whatcha say wally?"
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