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All we need to do is get the powers that be to unleash the full capabilities of GPS LNAV/VNAV and stop worshipping at the altar of the antique ILS system
I couldn't agree with you more with respect to unleashing the full capabilities of LNAV/VNAV approaches. The USAF/military is way behind the civil sector with regard to heavy airplanes and instrument flying, specifically when it comes to the capabilities of FMS centered approaches. Every approach flown today by a USAF FMS-equipped airplane should be either an ILS or an LNAV/VNAV approach. (Course and glidepath guidance every time, regardless of the approach being flown, except a circle) The days of chasing a VOR, TACAN or NDB needle have gone by. Lateral guidance should be based on the LNAV magenta line from the nav solution exclusively (accurate to within a few yards) instead of a VOR or TACAN needle that can be +/- 4 degrees and up to 1/2 mile off for distance on a good day. (Yes, it is still a very good idea to cross check the raw data, but the primary guidance should be the magenta line instead of the other way around) This is the way any modern Boeing or Airbus is flown but does the USAF/AFFSA follow this logic - Nope. They would much rather have you chase an NDB arrow that points to the nearest thunderstorm and use the Nav Solution guidance as a "situational awareness" tool only. Come on AFFSA, lets get out of the stone age, the 757/767 has been flying this way since 1982!
Some think that the military is breaking trail with JPALS and some RNAV GPS approaches but unfortunately they have missed the boat entirely. The direction for airplanes with an FMS, a couple of INSs and GPS to go is RNAV RNP approaches and departures. Alaska Airlines has been doing this in 737s for 10 years now and many other airlines are also on board. When is the AMC/CC going to be briefed that there are public approaches (RNAV RNP) in the US that none of his airplanes can fly even though they offer tremendous operational gain? With RNP you can fly curved segments and get a lot closer to terrain than an RNAV GPS approach can. No ground NAVAIDs are required and it is the perfect solution to contingency ops when there is no ground infrastructure yet you need to fly in the weather to land at Base X. With all of the avionics mods being done in AMC are any of the airplanes terminal RNAV low-RNP certified? Nope - it is a crime. The closest they get are certification for RNAV GPS which is limited to straight line approaches with an RNP of 0.3NM.
As for the HUD, I still don't agree that you'll get any lower mins than you would with a heads down LNAV/VNAV approach. Would it be better to do it with a HUD? - absolutely. Unless you add EVS or some other synthetic technology I really don't see the minimums gain, with the exception of Cat IIIA hand-flown ops. Now if you are going to incorporate that (EVS, etc.) as well, it is an entirely different discussion. In any case, it is a good debate to be having...
I share your frustration with the USAF and its dependence on legacy ILS, TACAN, VOR and NDB. They simply don’t get it when it comes to LNAV/VNAV. One day they will advance beyond 1981 in both their policy and equipment.