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Archer... first of all... the progression doesn't typically go CFI, Charter, Corporate, Regional, Major...
Typically after being a CFI you decide which way you are leaning...
Then you decide if the Majors are your ultimate goal, you try to start at the Regionals...
If Corporate is your ultimate goal you start at Charter...
My company (a very large Fortune 100 Corporation) has hiring minimums right at 5,000 hours which must include at least 2,500 multi engine, 1,500 turbine of which 1,000 is jet... Our starting pay is right at $80,000 per year
The Charter company I used to fly for had minimums around 1,500-2,000 hours with 500+ multi engine... Starting pay was around $30,000-$35,000 per year for a First Officer (Co-Pilot)
Most Regional airlines now have a minimums of somewhere around 1,200-1,500 hours with 300-500 multi engine. Remember these are MINIMUMS, just because you meet the minimums in no way guarantees you will get hired... There are always guys with more competitive times than you. Competitive minimums are probably more around 2,500 with 1,000 multi engine. I think the day of the 600-800 hour new hire are long gone... Starting pay at the regionals is somewhere around $20,000 per year
Most Major airlines have minimums around 4,000-5,000 hours with usually 2,000+ multi and 1,000 turbine.... Starting pay (first year) is generally $35,000-$45,000 depending on company... Now keep in mind that the big majors ALL have MANY pilots on Furlough ie. Laid-off. (Delta has about 1,000 and is heading for 1,400, UAL has about 1,000 and American is close to 1,000) and it will probably be many years until they are recalled... this stagnation will slow hiring throughout the industry... and even when recalls start, it will take a couple years to complete the recalls and get everyone retrained.... and then they will need more demand before they start hiring additional pilots... UAL, Delta and AA are all talking about the possiblity of Bankruptcy... if this happens unfortunately you will see even more highly qualified pilots out on the street... Time are not good right now...
In short the days of getting 600 hours and getting a job with the regionals are LONG gone... That era that you are so familiar with (1996-2000) was the exception and not the rule... That type of hiring will probably never return to the industry... So if you are getting into the industry, you'd better be prepared for a much slower progression than you may have seen in the past... Many pilots on this board Flight Instructed until they had 2,500-3,000+ hours... flew at the Regionals until they had 6,000-7,000+ hours before ever getting to the Majors... and now at the majors, they are unemployed... There are also A LOT of pilots now making careers at the Regionals.... Some by their own choosing, some not...
When I would help people decide on if they should take a particular job or not, I always asked then "Would you be happy staying there for 10 years?" and they would say "well I only plan to stay 2 years to build experience" Well my point was, no one can predict the future... and you never know what might happen to stop everything in its tracks (ie. September 11, Bad Economy, etc...) You always have to try to plan ahead for the unknown...
This isn't an easy industry... it may look like cake and glamour from the outside, it is anything but... Just ask the guys who have worked their a$$es of for many years as a CFI and Regional pilot only to reach their goal at a Major and now find themselves in the unemployment line... It just isn't fair.... but then again, life isn't fair...
If I were you, I would plan the following progression, if it happens faster, great... if not at least you knew in advance...
If your goal is Corporate:
Flight Instruct for at least 2 years (until you have at least 1,500 hours minimum)
Fly Charter for at least 4-5 years (until you have at least 3,500+ hours min.)
Then you will be marketable for a decent Corporate job....
If your goal is the Majors:
Flight Instruct for at least 2 years (until you have at least 1,500 hours)
Fly at the Regionals for at least 4-5 years (until you have at least 4,000-5,000 hours min)
And hopefully by that time (7-8 years Minimum) the Majors will starting to be hiring with some regularity that will cause some movement in the industry... if not... You will see MANY pilots making careers at the Regionals...
I don't mean to discourage you in any way, but just want you to have more realistic expectations....
I hope this helps...
Good Luck!
Falcon Capt.
Typically after being a CFI you decide which way you are leaning...
Then you decide if the Majors are your ultimate goal, you try to start at the Regionals...
If Corporate is your ultimate goal you start at Charter...
My company (a very large Fortune 100 Corporation) has hiring minimums right at 5,000 hours which must include at least 2,500 multi engine, 1,500 turbine of which 1,000 is jet... Our starting pay is right at $80,000 per year
The Charter company I used to fly for had minimums around 1,500-2,000 hours with 500+ multi engine... Starting pay was around $30,000-$35,000 per year for a First Officer (Co-Pilot)
Most Regional airlines now have a minimums of somewhere around 1,200-1,500 hours with 300-500 multi engine. Remember these are MINIMUMS, just because you meet the minimums in no way guarantees you will get hired... There are always guys with more competitive times than you. Competitive minimums are probably more around 2,500 with 1,000 multi engine. I think the day of the 600-800 hour new hire are long gone... Starting pay at the regionals is somewhere around $20,000 per year
Most Major airlines have minimums around 4,000-5,000 hours with usually 2,000+ multi and 1,000 turbine.... Starting pay (first year) is generally $35,000-$45,000 depending on company... Now keep in mind that the big majors ALL have MANY pilots on Furlough ie. Laid-off. (Delta has about 1,000 and is heading for 1,400, UAL has about 1,000 and American is close to 1,000) and it will probably be many years until they are recalled... this stagnation will slow hiring throughout the industry... and even when recalls start, it will take a couple years to complete the recalls and get everyone retrained.... and then they will need more demand before they start hiring additional pilots... UAL, Delta and AA are all talking about the possiblity of Bankruptcy... if this happens unfortunately you will see even more highly qualified pilots out on the street... Time are not good right now...
In short the days of getting 600 hours and getting a job with the regionals are LONG gone... That era that you are so familiar with (1996-2000) was the exception and not the rule... That type of hiring will probably never return to the industry... So if you are getting into the industry, you'd better be prepared for a much slower progression than you may have seen in the past... Many pilots on this board Flight Instructed until they had 2,500-3,000+ hours... flew at the Regionals until they had 6,000-7,000+ hours before ever getting to the Majors... and now at the majors, they are unemployed... There are also A LOT of pilots now making careers at the Regionals.... Some by their own choosing, some not...
When I would help people decide on if they should take a particular job or not, I always asked then "Would you be happy staying there for 10 years?" and they would say "well I only plan to stay 2 years to build experience" Well my point was, no one can predict the future... and you never know what might happen to stop everything in its tracks (ie. September 11, Bad Economy, etc...) You always have to try to plan ahead for the unknown...
This isn't an easy industry... it may look like cake and glamour from the outside, it is anything but... Just ask the guys who have worked their a$$es of for many years as a CFI and Regional pilot only to reach their goal at a Major and now find themselves in the unemployment line... It just isn't fair.... but then again, life isn't fair...
If I were you, I would plan the following progression, if it happens faster, great... if not at least you knew in advance...
If your goal is Corporate:
Flight Instruct for at least 2 years (until you have at least 1,500 hours minimum)
Fly Charter for at least 4-5 years (until you have at least 3,500+ hours min.)
Then you will be marketable for a decent Corporate job....
If your goal is the Majors:
Flight Instruct for at least 2 years (until you have at least 1,500 hours)
Fly at the Regionals for at least 4-5 years (until you have at least 4,000-5,000 hours min)
And hopefully by that time (7-8 years Minimum) the Majors will starting to be hiring with some regularity that will cause some movement in the industry... if not... You will see MANY pilots making careers at the Regionals...
I don't mean to discourage you in any way, but just want you to have more realistic expectations....
I hope this helps...
Good Luck!
Falcon Capt.