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California jobs

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
There seems to be a large number of jobs on the boards for southern California right now--all types of corporate jets. I'm assuming this is normal due to population density, concentration of corps. based there, etc..
Is it also a likely factor that the middle-tier operators (not the Fortune 500) are hoping to attract hapless non-local pilots who will find out too late that the salaries being offered are hopelessly inadequate to meet the cost of living out there?
Done most of my flying in the Northeast and I'm trying to get an idea if SoCal (or northern CA, for that matter) is a hopeless idea unless I'm offered outstanding coin. Also, I've been away from flying for a couple years, trying to make a living in that other world. (Don't try it, if you're wondering.)
Thanks for any comments from the CA guys, et al.
I think it depends on where in California your looking at. The LA area itself is very expensive, but there are places that are on the more affordable side, but you'd have to drive a bit and deal with traffic. San Diego is pretty bad when it comes to affordability but most people here find some way to deal with it because they dont want to leave the city. I hear San Fran/Oakland is about the same on the non-affordability scale.

Places like Bakersfield, Sacramento, Redding, etc, can be somewhat less expensive as the cities closer to the ocean. My old job offered about 15k more per year than their Texas based pilots, but I've seen some pretty low salaries here as well.
Try buying a $400k home two hours away (40 miles is two hours in LA traffic) from most LA airports on a $65k salary. Then you will know why there is a shortage. Many operators pay more than $65k but even if you made $120k, that won't get you a very high standard of living these days.
Sounds complicated out there. I though driving to HPN and TEB was time-consuming! However, I'm kinda tired of driving through mountain passes and waiting for rocks the size of mini-vans to fall on me, mudslides and avalanches to close the road, and wildfire to eat up my house out here in Colorado......
and that's just to get contract work. Maybe the LA traffic wouldn't be so bad after all.....
Northern CA sounds attractive. My husband and I are big sportbike riders--good roads up that way, I hear.
Thanks for the replies.
Charlie (Charlene)
My two cents: Yes, there is a lot of traffic in SoCal / L.A. Yes, housing is expensive. But, honestly, if you (generic you, not you in particular) want to be at the top of the socioeconomic pyramid in a big city (and own a home in the most expensive locale) why be a professional pilot? I mean, I'm also an attorney, and I know attorneys who make well into the six figures (and many who don't).Many of the big money folks I know have huge mortgages, families to support, ex-spouses, tax issues, constant and multiple professional stresses (partnership, court, clients), non-mortgage debt, etc. And they don't fly jets. And they work 5-6 days a week. Every week, mostly. Coastal SoCal weather is the best, in my opinion. What's important to you? I think if you are attracted to at least one aspect of SoCal "lifestyle" (weather, health and fitness, etc.) then it could be for you. And, yes, check out San Diego area and Bay area. Funny. I hear and read pilots from outside California say and write that it would take big coin to get them to take a California job. I think they've got it backwards. It would take big coin to get me to leave!
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I live in the northbay. At the current rate I would never be able to afford housing here. To buy a house would require a move to a part of California that would make Oregon or Washington a very attractive option.

Life is pretty good though. Renting isn't that bad. I live in a pretty cool town with great mountain biking. I grew up here and have great friends around. That is what I live for and that is why I'm here. If I didn't have an interest like mountain biking I wouldn't live here. I would move some place where I could afford housing.

I can't understand why someone would move to a place as expensive as the northbay if they didn't take advantage of the outdoor opportunities. If you don't you might as well live someplace cheap out in the midwest.

Finding a kick-@ss flying job in CA is hard!
I just accepted a corporate job, but it's flying out of Las Vegas. Happy to get out of the regional life, but sorry I couldn't find something comparable in California.

I am originally from NorCal (5th gen) and can't afford to buy a nice home in my old neighborhood until I am probably ATLEAST a 10 year Captain. It's on the to-do list, but I know it requires patience in California on a pilot paycheck.

Currently living in San Diego and it is definitely NOT my idea of IDEAL. Traffic is beyond horrible here and the majority of people here are transplants from other places and pretty irritating. Lots of tourists, cruise ship pax and military. Can't wait to MOVE!!!!!

I like the SF bay area, but have no interest in the city life. Better to visit than live there IMO.

Commuting in a car 2+ hours is s&itty. It just wears you down, big time, and I don't recommend it.

The rural towns can be OK, grew up in a coastal ag town, but it has really changed. Most have turned into shoddy-built cookie cutter communities, pesticide farming across the street, illegal workers everywhere you go and second rate shops/schools. Best shop in town is a Rite-Aid and high class dinner is Applebees. Oh and it's HOT in the summertime inland. Coastal is gorgeous but expensive.

So when you find that perfect California flying job, hold on to it for dear life. They are rare! Good luck!

Okay, you guys are scaring me. And my wishes are pretty standard. I'd simply like a safe airplane to fly, an employer and co-workers of integrity, and to be able to pay the bills on modest housing. I was previously given the impression that one absolutely had to make "big coin" to live in California somewhere other than a tenement in LA.

Sounds like the traffic is worse than driving into Teterboro, White Plains, and LaGuardia combined!
Road Rage

Okay, you guys are scaring me. And my wishes are pretty standard. I'd simply like a safe airplane to fly, an employer and co-workers of integrity, and to be able to pay the bills on modest housing. I was previously given the impression that one absolutely had to make "big coin" to live in California somewhere other than a tenement in LA.

Sounds like the traffic is worse than driving into Teterboro, White Plains, and LaGuardia combined!

Ah, My little grasshoppa, you do not know traffic until you have met the 405!

I believe you! What's the longest you've ever sat in traffic on the way to work at any of the local airports?

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