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Cal reserve pilots!

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all great info, thanks! i guess its a tough decision....my house is just under 2 hours away, so it seems as if the shorter i stay on reserve the better. I dont know, maybe i'll figure some more stuff out when i get to training in a couple weeks! Cant wait!
The current reserve system allows you to aggressively pickup a trip available the next day. You will be able toenter the trading screen and pickup without a call to scheduling and then are "released" from any reserve accountability the next day prior to the trip. I think you would have no trouble picking up a trip at the start of any given group of reserve days and you will be able to look at the list of availble pilots and their available times and make a judgement call as to whether or not you will be in the hotseat for a short call.

If that were the case you could always take a drive into the office and hang around..........such as just before a big snowstorm or line of thunder storms...

all in all lots more short calls on the B737 fleet!!

a10hogplt said:
all great info, thanks! i guess its a tough decision....my house is just under 2 hours away, so it seems as if the shorter i stay on reserve the better. I dont know, maybe i'll figure some more stuff out when i get to training in a couple weeks! Cant wait!

Some good points on here by all but here is my two cents. We have 4500 pilots and probably 4500 different opinions so here is mine for what it's worth.

If you bid the 756 you will be frozen for two years and only able to bid 777FO or B737 CA to get out of your freeze. If you bid the 737 and decided you wanted off most likely you would be able to bid 757 on the next system bid in three to six months. Yes, you would have to go to training but it's only one month and gives you some options.

As far as pay I make significantly more as a relatively junior line holder on the 737 CA than I would as a junior reserve 756 CA. Same pay principal applies to FO's. Quality of life in my opinion far superior than being stuck on reserve, did that for many years and really don't like reserve. I typically hold a line with 13 - 14 days off and trip trade for 15 to 17 days off and more pay than the awarded line.

If hiring continues as planned and age 60 remains unchanged you will probably be on reserve on the 737 in EWR for three to four months. 756 ninth months to a year is my guess. Bottom lines on the EWR B756 aren't too good low time three day trips and redeye's to South America and a lot of DH at 50% pay and IRO flying. Another consideration what happens if the music stops (no more hiring) where do you want to be a junior line holder on the B737 or reserve on the B756? Your decision just wanted to give you another view.
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I must admit that I am not too familiar with the A/B system. I was just thinking in terms of getting to the airport and being ready to go from where you live. There are many good reasons to bid 73 and 756. I know that on the 73 after you're on the line for a while it is very comfortable to walk on to the plane with 20-30 min to push. I have not been on the 756 but see the guys in the wx room doing plotting for a good 10-15 minutes. Either way it is a nice choice to have to make and don't think you'll run into many problems either way.

All good points but I think CAL EWR 737 summed it up best. You do NOT want to be junior on the 757 especially in Newark. The bottom line is your quality of life. Once the euphoria wears off I guarantee you will be happier holding a more senior position on a different (smaller) airplane.

Did I already mention that quality of life is your first priority?

BTW welcome aboard.
cal ewr, thank you for taking your time and giving me your opinion, greatly appreciated. I have a feeling that since i'm only 30, i will most likely be in the 73 anyway, but great points you have made. It looks like the 73 might be the way to go until i would be able to hold either long reserve call out on the 756 or a line.

With that said, how do you qualify for the 9 hour call out when on reserve? If your saying i could hold a line after 3 or 4 months after ioe, do you think i could get the long call out right out of ioe? How does that work!

Thanks guys! I'm not an airline guy in my previous life so this is a quick learning curve for me.
Hog: I haven't paid any attention to the reserve issues, but I believe the 25% of the lines are awarded as long show by seniority. However I have heard that a lot of guys are being switched to the B reserve after the fact. There are caveats to this but I am sure you will get better answers from guys actually dealing with reserve under the new contract.

My point is, do not bank on the long call reserve on any decisions on what you fly. You should be fine at 1:50 from Newark. Like one of the others said be ready with the bags packed and uniform in the car in case you get short called (which happens much more on the 737 than other aircraft).
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The long callout isn't as good as a deal as it sounds. A reserve (9 Hour) is called first before any Breserve. Bman is spot on that the A reserve are being switched to B reserve. Also 75 is a ton of DH to return as IRO. I think you can sum it up best that 737 is going to be a better QOL. Rumor has it that the lines are easier to commute at IAH -VS- EWR. Cannot confirm this. (I'm still in training.) Are you in the guard? If so PM me.

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