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CAL Interview

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OK, wait a second here...I'm actually quite intruiged, because I've got two very good friends and co-workers in my unit who fly for JBlue and are excellent aviators with tons of combat experience. So, you're saying that EVERYONE on here bashes Jblue -and because since you think EVERYONE does it - it makes it OK for you to chime in and bash them as well? What kind of thinking is that? Is that the kind of garbage that a major carrier is going to want as their captain 10 to 15 years down the road?

Listen to yourself. Think about what you say before you post something and alieanate both yourself and all the other pilots that happen to fly for the carrier you think it's ok to bash because EVERYONE does it. Take a look at your position, RJ F/O. You think you're really in a position to bash JBlue or anyone else out there? I didn't think so...

This discussion is over.
This discussion is over.

You're right bud, it is over...it was over when you decided it would be fun to bash and start flame bait on here because in your mind, EVERYONE does it.

I'm more than glad to help anyone out on here that actually is sincere, but I'm not going to give a person the time of day whose modus operandi is to flame and bash away.
1) -- Tell us about your aviation background..
2) -- What do you think your schedule will be like the 1st year?
3) -- How do you feel about going to Guam.
4) -- Have you ever had a conflict with a passenger? What did you do? How did it turn out?
5) -- Have you ever had to mediate a conflict between two crewmembers?
6) -- Tell us about a decision you made that looking back you wish you made a different decision.
7) -- Tell us about a good decision you made. Tell us about a busted checkride.
8) -- Tell us about a company directive that you did not agree with.
9) -- Tell us about a time a supervisor asked you to do something unethical.
10) -- If you were following a heavy on approach, where would you plan your touchdown? What kind of wind would you prefer?
11) -- When do you need to report a change in true airspeed to ATC?
12) -- Tell us about a good CA bad CA good FO bad FO ( they said we are not interviewing you on which one you pick, just pick one) and why this makes them good or bad.
13) -- They asked me about a checkride that I had failed
14) --Your day is EWR - IAH - SFO, the first leg is scheduled for 4 hours, leg two is scheduled for 3.55. Your first leg you are delayed and you end up flying 5 hours. Are you legal to fly the second leg since you will be flying over 8 hours. (yes legal to start / legal to finish)
15) -- draw out the fuel system on my current aircraft
16) -- Tmaat that you showed leadership skills
17) -- what is hypoxia, how do you recognize it. when do you have to where your oxygen mask.

On a lighter note, an anonymous person sent me some stuff to think about.
18) -- TMAAT you were asked to do something that you felt was wrong.
19) -- What makes a good captain? How do you apply this to yourself?
20) -- Throughout your entire flying career, what one thing have you struggled the most with? How did you overcome it?
21) -- On a 3 degree glide slope, approximately how may feet per MILE are you descending?
22) -- What are MDA tolerances?
23) -- On a circling approach, when can you depart MDA?
24) -- On a circling approach, how would you execute the missed approach?
25) -- KNOW all the different symbols on a plate.
26) -- they talked about doing a VOR approach.
27) -- They want to know how you would reach your VDP from the IAF? what is VDP?? What is a VDP and how is it depicted? How do you calculate the VDP? What is your technique for flying a non-precision approach (dive and drive or ease it down)? What if you don't see the runway until somewhere in between the VDP and the MAP, can you land??
28) -- how do you feel about a fuel conservation policy??
29) -- why CAL??
30) -- : How has knowledge of your company's organizational and management structure helped you solve a problem at work?
31) -- How has your quick thinking helped a passenger?
32) -- If you were us, would you hire an exceptional pilot or an exceptional employee?
33) -- What 2 times can you go below DH or MDA?
34) -- If you see only the approach lights at DH on an ILS, how low can you descend?

More stuff for everyone
CAL Interview


35) -- What are our bases? Where would you most and least like to be based?
36) -- TMAAT a crewmember asked you to do something that would violate SOP or FARs.
37) -- Who do you recognize as your "internal" customers?
38) -- TMAAT that you did NOT provide the best customer service to your "internal" customers. (I understood INTERNAL customers to mean fellow employees)
39) -- TMAAT that you had to give fast, direct, and time critical orders to your crew. What are the two times you can go below minimums on a CAT 1 ILS approach.
40) -- spit out your holding entry in this manner after you turn inbound: "Ok, it will be a "teardrop entry" (or as applicable), at the fix I will start my time, make an initial left turn to a heading of 150, go outbound for one minute, then turn right to intercept the 360 course to the station to establish myself in the hold."
41) -- TMAAT Sexual Harassment at work
42) -- TMAAT as an instructor you had to intervene and how did you handle it?
43) -- You caught a flight attendant taking alcohol from the first class cabin, what would you do?
44) -- The gate agent needs an on time departure, do you help her by releasing the brakes to start the clock?
45) -- What does working together mean?
46) -- When would you declare minimum fuel and what does it mean?
47) -- What is the minimum fuel required for takeoff?
48) -- What is the difference between a high speed and low speed buffet?
49) Tell us about a time you went out of your way (above and beyond) to help a customer.
50) -- What would you do if you had a Captain that you felt was not taking your inputs or you thought was not listening to you?
51) -- How would you feel about being based in Guam for 18 months?
52) -- SIM PROFILE: . Here is the profile: PF: Pilot Flying (you) PM: Pilot Monitoring Advance power and call: "Set Power" (1.9 EPR) PM: "Power set" One hand on the yoke and the other on the thrust levers until V1. PM: "V1, rotate" Pitch to 20 degrees nose up and climb out at 160kts PM: "Positive rate" PF: "Gear up" At 1000' and 160kts lower the nose to 10 degrees and accelerate. PF: "Flaps up, climb power" Accelerate to 250kts, above 190kts PF: "Slats up, after takeoff" FLY THE FLIGHT DIRECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! And 1.25-1.35 EPR for all phases of flight!!!!!! You will climb up to 4000'. You will then do some turns and cleared to the HUMBLE VOR. The RMI is always pointing to it. Call for the heading that needle is pointing to plus about 5 degrees. This will get you going perfectly. I was 10 miles from the VOR on a 065 course to. PF: "In range checks" At this point I started slowing to 200, command that speed, and dumped the slats below 240kts. I was given "hold NE on the 235 degree radial, left turns, EFC 1745." The PM will read it back to you as many times as you would like. I was right on the line for a parallel or teardrop. The teardrop gave me less of a turn at the fix so that is what I went with. Tell them the heading after the fix, the time outbound, and which way you'll turn after the minute. I actually entered the hold and my mind started wondering about my hold, but I apparently I got it right. I was then given a downwind heading for the ILS 26L at KIAH (no brief necessary). Once this happens start slowing to 160kts. PF: "Approach checks" PF: "Flaps 15, speed" The PM will automatically select the appropriate speed for the configuration. It may be earlier than usual for you to start slowing but remember to give yourself as much time as possible. When the Glide Slope comes alive: PF: "Gear down, landing checks" One DOT below: PF: "Flaps 28, speed" Glide Slope intercept: PF: "Flaps 40, target speed" Fly the flight director all the way down to the ground. It'll be real "wobbly" but try an be as close to centerline as possible. At 20' power should be idle and pitch up 2-3 degrees. You're done!!!!!!

Hope this helps y'all out.

To my anonymous PM'er thanks again. Hope you're not pissed. We owe you a beer!:beer:
CAL Interview


35) -- What are our bases? Where would you most and least like to be based?
36) -- TMAAT a crewmember asked you to do something that would violate SOP or FARs.
37) -- Who do you recognize as your "internal" customers?
38) -- TMAAT that you did NOT provide the best customer service to your "internal" customers. (I understood INTERNAL customers to mean fellow employees)
39) -- TMAAT that you had to give fast, direct, and time critical orders to your crew. What are the two times you can go below minimums on a CAT 1 ILS approach.
40) -- spit out your holding entry in this manner after you turn inbound: "Ok, it will be a "teardrop entry" (or as applicable), at the fix I will start my time, make an initial left turn to a heading of 150, go outbound for one minute, then turn right to intercept the 360 course to the station to establish myself in the hold."
41) -- TMAAT Sexual Harassment at work
42) -- TMAAT as an instructor you had to intervene and how did you handle it?
43) -- You caught a flight attendant taking alcohol from the first class cabin, what would you do?
44) -- The gate agent needs an on time departure, do you help her by releasing the brakes to start the clock?
45) -- What does working together mean?
46) -- When would you declare minimum fuel and what does it mean?
47) -- What is the minimum fuel required for takeoff?
48) -- What is the difference between a high speed and low speed buffet?
49) Tell us about a time you went out of your way (above and beyond) to help a customer.
50) -- What would you do if you had a Captain that you felt was not taking your inputs or you thought was not listening to you?
51) -- How would you feel about being based in Guam for 18 months?
52) -- SIM PROFILE: . Here is the profile: PF: Pilot Flying (you) PM: Pilot Monitoring Advance power and call: "Set Power" (1.9 EPR) PM: "Power set" One hand on the yoke and the other on the thrust levers until V1. PM: "V1, rotate" Pitch to 20 degrees nose up and climb out at 160kts PM: "Positive rate" PF: "Gear up" At 1000' and 160kts lower the nose to 10 degrees and accelerate. PF: "Flaps up, climb power" Accelerate to 250kts, above 190kts PF: "Slats up, after takeoff" FLY THE FLIGHT DIRECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! And 1.25-1.35 EPR for all phases of flight!!!!!! You will climb up to 4000'. You will then do some turns and cleared to the HUMBLE VOR. The RMI is always pointing to it. Call for the heading that needle is pointing to plus about 5 degrees. This will get you going perfectly. I was 10 miles from the VOR on a 065 course to. PF: "In range checks" At this point I started slowing to 200, command that speed, and dumped the slats below 240kts. I was given "hold NE on the 235 degree radial, left turns, EFC 1745." The PM will read it back to you as many times as you would like. I was right on the line for a parallel or teardrop. The teardrop gave me less of a turn at the fix so that is what I went with. Tell them the heading after the fix, the time outbound, and which way you'll turn after the minute. I actually entered the hold and my mind started wondering about my hold, but I apparently I got it right. I was then given a downwind heading for the ILS 26L at KIAH (no brief necessary). Once this happens start slowing to 160kts. PF: "Approach checks" PF: "Flaps 15, speed" The PM will automatically select the appropriate speed for the configuration. It may be earlier than usual for you to start slowing but remember to give yourself as much time as possible. When the Glide Slope comes alive: PF: "Gear down, landing checks" One DOT below: PF: "Flaps 28, speed" Glide Slope intercept: PF: "Flaps 40, target speed" Fly the flight director all the way down to the ground. It'll be real "wobbly" but try an be as close to centerline as possible. At 20' power should be idle and pitch up 2-3 degrees. You're done!!!!!!

Hope this helps y'all out.

To my anonymous PM'er thanks again. Hope you're not pissed. We owe you a beer!:beer:

Can anybody tell me who the lead forum administrator is? Reference this post?
While we're here, what are some of the questions during the panel interview? Specifics are great and who would you recommend for the prep?

1) How long have you been a flame-baiter on Flightinfo?
2) What are you trying to compensate?
3) Does it add meaning to your life?
4) When are you going to move out of your parents basement and cease impersonating a pilot?
1) How long have you been a flame-baiter on Flightinfo?
2) What are you trying to compensate?
3) Does it add meaning to your life?
4) When are you going to move out of your parents basement and cease impersonating a pilot?

1) Never been one. Just speaking my mind. Look at my posts they are almost all positive. Folks that disagree with others here will call them flaimers.

2) Not much to compensate my brother. I'm pretty happy. Oops, that's flaimebait. See #1.

3) I like to be positive.

4) My parents do have a basement. And yes I lived down there for a couple of months. And, I paid rent.

Tell me Mr googlespiano, in this thread, what if any of my posts were negative?

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