Does anyone know anything about this company out of Sioux Falls, how they treat people, and what kind of airplanes thy fly?
Also wondering what they haul and how big they are.
Metros, Cessna 402's, Caravans and a Bonanza, all freight, all single pilot, no autopilots. Mostly UPS contracts. I haven't worked for them personally, but I used to fly with a guy who also flew for them. He liked it there. You get one run 6 days a week, pay is fair, SF is cheap to live in.
I worked there in "98". I can honestly say it was one of the best places to work They treated me awesome, and never pressured you to go! The benifits were good, the pay was fair, and the people were great. The equipment wasen't the greatest, but it was cargo. I had no complants, it was problably the safest operation out there. If they have any openings go for it!
Everyone that I have talked to says good things about the company, I have gotten a few PM's and lots of people that have worked there and liked it. Sounds like the pay there "NOW" is really good. And unlike most other piston cargo ops. they have some lifers, because of the pay and the chance to move up to a metro. Looks like a good place to try and work.
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