Here is the quote from the 10-Q-
"Revenues of the other service businesses were $1,506 million in the first quarter of 2009, a decrease of $620 million (29%) compared to 2008. Pre-tax earnings were $14 million in 2009, a decrease of $195 million (93%) from 2008. Revenues of NetJets in 2009 as compared to 2008 declined significantly as a result of an 80% decline in aircraft sales as well as lower flight revenue hours. The decrease in revenues and pre-tax earnings reflects the negative impact of the global recession on substantially all of Berkshire’s other service businesses and in particular, NetJets’ fractional ownership business which reported a pre-tax loss of $96 million (includes writedowns of aircraft of approximately $55 million) as compared to pre-tax earnings of $45 million in 2008."
In another part of the filing, it said aircraft orders would be delayed.
In the 4th qtr of 2008, they wrote down aircaft by $53 million making the total for the last 6 months approximately $108 million.
Let's hope flying does pick up as annualized losses are approaching $400 million.
FlightSafety appears to have generated pre tax profits of $110 million for the qtr.
"Revenues of the other service businesses were $1,506 million in the first quarter of 2009, a decrease of $620 million (29%) compared to 2008. Pre-tax earnings were $14 million in 2009, a decrease of $195 million (93%) from 2008. Revenues of NetJets in 2009 as compared to 2008 declined significantly as a result of an 80% decline in aircraft sales as well as lower flight revenue hours. The decrease in revenues and pre-tax earnings reflects the negative impact of the global recession on substantially all of Berkshire’s other service businesses and in particular, NetJets’ fractional ownership business which reported a pre-tax loss of $96 million (includes writedowns of aircraft of approximately $55 million) as compared to pre-tax earnings of $45 million in 2008."
In another part of the filing, it said aircraft orders would be delayed.
In the 4th qtr of 2008, they wrote down aircaft by $53 million making the total for the last 6 months approximately $108 million.
Let's hope flying does pick up as annualized losses are approaching $400 million.
FlightSafety appears to have generated pre tax profits of $110 million for the qtr.