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Blue eyes?

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I'm told that's how the Chief Pilot and NWA's assistant sorted qualified resumes to give to the Chief for interviews back in the '70's..."blue eyes--in. Brown eyes--out...blue eyes--in..."

Fly safe!

David (don't know what color my eyes are...I'm too ugly to look in the mirror ;)
The Navy said that first born males made up the highest percentage of their pilots.
Who cares about the color of a pilot's eyes, hair, skin, etc. it really doesn't really matter! The only time I'm concerned about the color of somoene's eyes is when I'm checking out the girl behind the counter at an FBO.

For those of you that do care...dark brown.
There we go...that's the operative term: "Who cares?"

IF you had a great deal of respect for Mr. Gann... you took him seriously as an airplane pilot, and,

IF he had said, in conversation with you, words to this effect: "I can't explain this, but most of the pilots I know have blue eyes,"

Would you have replied,

a) "What makes you think brown-eyed people are some super race, fella?"
b) "My dog has blue eyes, Ernie..."
c) "Gee that's odd. Do you think it's a meaningful coincidence?"
d) (insert your response here)

I'm a newbie here. From reading the posts and laughing a lot, except for the end of the Duke's posts, I sense that you guys (and women) are a tough and sort of rag-tag group, much more capable than I of single-engine range approaches on needle-ball and alcohol. But what little I know is flying (and that not very well) so you're all I've got to talk about this stuff with.

Now tell me to get lost with my dumb question. I'll have others later.
Green eyes. Except when I drink too much and run into things.... then they're black eyes. But I have a thing for guys with blue eyes.
Hahahaha...my big watch has a born on date of Spring of 81 and it has logged more time on chickies night stands than you have total time. :D
blue eyes, blonde hair. I have a big watch but never wear it, its too nice and dont wanna scratch it up.

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