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Best places to get a 737 type

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I paid for a 737 type at Higher Power, first of all, they're great people and have a tight connection with SWA. This isn't my first PFT though, I had to pay for my private, instrument, commercial, multi, CFII, MEI, etc.
XLR8 said:
I paid for a 737 type at Higher Power, first of all, they're great people and have a tight connection with SWA. This isn't my first PFT though, I had to pay for my private, instrument, commercial, multi, CFII, MEI, etc.

Did you get the job?
XLR8 said:
...This isn't my first PFT though, I had to pay for my private, instrument, commercial, multi, CFII, MEI, etc.

Hey Ding Dong. PFT is paying for training for a job that you're already qualified for! Paying for "private, instrument, commercial, multi, CFII, MEI, ect"" is NOT pft. Once you are qualified for a job (ie. you have a comm. multi, inst. (CFI, CFII MEI optional)) then you should NOT HAVE TO PAY for training!!! Imagine if you're a MD-80 Captain at a company and want to upgrade to 777 captain cause your seniority can hold a line. Now your company wants you to pay $45,000 to pay for this training. Your line of logic supports this. You say, "Yeah, I'm getting a type in a new plane. A tripple 7! Sweet! I should pay for that training!!! Never mind the company paying for buisness costs. Yeah it's the cost of business but why not pass it off on the 'shinny jet' dweeb willing to pay my operating cost as well. Hell, maybe we can get him to pay for chips and cokes on board the flight too?!? Thank God for shinny jet dweeb!"

Just stop and think of what you are saying. Then look in the mirror are realize you're an idiot. Probably gay too.
Did you need a commercial certificate to work for an airline? Yes. Did the airline pay for you to get a commercial certificate? I'm guessing not.

Okay so, if I need a 737 type to get a job with SWA, and I paid for it myself, how is that any different. It's a type rating on my pilot certificate. I don't work for SWA yet, but if they sometime in the future get 777's (which I don't see happening), then they'll probably pay for me to get typed on it. Obviously I wouldn't pay for that.

If I go and get a float plane rating (for fun and not for the company I work for) and then 2 years from now get a job flying float planes. Is that PFT?

So, I bought a 737 type rating, had lots of fun, and it wasn't for the company I work for. If I get a job with Southwest, or Continental, or Alaska, and I happen to be rated on the 737, I'm not paying for those airlines to train me, they're paying me to fly the way they want me to.

Haven't posted in a while, strongly recommend HPA. They helped me out when they didn't need to, and you will not go wrong using them for your type rating. Good luck.
I've always thought as PFT as literally paying to do a job. At GIA you sit in the right seat of a 1900, doing a job, and paying GIA to sit there. There should be somone sitting in that seat getting paid to do it, not the other way around. Also, because you're paying the company you work for or will work for, it is PFT. Getting a 737 type at HPA is different because you aren't paying Southwest, and you aren't working for Southwest at the time.
XLR8 said:
I paid for a 737 type at Higher Power, first of all, they're great people and have a tight connection with SWA. This isn't my first PFT though, I had to pay for my private, instrument, commercial, multi, CFII, MEI, etc.

They only have a "tight" connectioin with SWA in that they are located just down the road from SWA which makes it pretty easy for the folks from SWA's People Dept to get there and give a talk.

Other than that....SWA doesn't really care where you got the type....just that you got it.


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