Just wondering if anyone who flys for Bemidji Aviation or in the past has any info on these folks. Pay, Routes, Domiciles, MX,and anything else you can add.
The fly Queen Airs and Be99's for UPS feeder ops in Minneapoils. The fly in MN,WI,ND I think. The also hava a 90 king-air charter bird that is Minne based and is almost exclusively for hauling mesaba mechanics and parts around the system. Hope this helps!
from their chief pilot......they run about 20 aircraft, although im unsure how many of which. their stable includes BE-99, 90, 65, 58, and a small piper of some sort. most everything runs out of MSP but theres a few bases in North Dakota. pay runs something like 70 bux a trip in the small aircaft and about 80 bux in the bigger. tack on 30 a day per diem, and youre at 100 a day+-, with average of 20 trips a month...no guarantees. their reqs are 1500TT for a piston slot and 2000TT for a turbine.
I just recently left BJI, and Gabe left right after me...I heard that he went to some place at Flying Cloud. I heard he was going to be flying a Beech Jet. And as far as Yonkers goes, he will be at Bemidji forever..
I went to Pinnacle, I was hopping that I would be able to upgrade to the left seat quick, but its not looking good now. I really had it pretty sweet at BJI, I just didn't know it.
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