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AWA Bows Out

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DCitrus9 said:
ATA717, I think you need to simma' down just a touch. You are being way too negative over a chance for pref. interviews. Initially there were many b!tching because they felt FL was not going to hire them. Now you're b!tching because they are hiring? I think you're just bitter, rightfully so, but direct that anger in either the appropriate direction or in more constructive ways.
Amen. Thanks for putting it so succinctly. Geez, let's see, AirTran pilot interviewers are coming to MDW to do interviews, and you're b!tching about it. I understand the timing may not be there, but there will be other opportunities to interview. The deal hasn't even gone through, for crying out loud.

I understand the ATA pilots are getting a crappy deal from their company, but to turn it around on AirTran is just too much. If you think AirTran is so awful, then don't apply- SWA, AWA, UPS, FEDEX, Jet Blue, Alaska, Atlas, Polar, Gemini- they're all hiring. Sorry about your company's problem, but it is not our fault. If you think it is, then plaease don't come here, because I don't want to hear it.
Unless something has changed, the latest offer of preferential interviews for ATA people with Air Tran was for people BASED in Chicago who are also RESIDENTS OF Chicago. That is to say, people who reside WITHIN the city limits. I won't speak for any of the other employee groups, but I can tell you that as far as the pilot group goes, that is not a very large percentage. This "job fair" sounds like nothing more than an opportunity to collect some resumes, and to put the ones with "Chicago" as the address in the pile for an actual interview, and for the rest to go into the circular file.

And of course, let's remember that a preferential interview is nothing more than an interview. Air Tran is under no obligation to hire one single ATA person. They could "preferentially interview" the entire company, hire none, and not have done anything wrong.

"Full pay 'til the last day". The last day is getting pretty darn close.
Pickle said:
Unless something has changed, the latest offer of preferential interviews for ATA people with Air Tran was for people BASED in Chicago who are also RESIDENTS OF Chicago. That is to say, people who reside WITHIN the city limits. .. . . This "job fair" sounds like nothing more than an opportunity to collect some resumes, and to put the ones with "Chicago" as the address in the pile for an actual interview, and for the rest to go into the circular file.

Let's see, we need to hire a minimum of 20 pilots a month throughout 2005, and you are spending all of your time coming up with ways that AirTran can get out of hiring ATA pilots.

You guys sound paranoid.
Ty, I am not being paranoid. The agreement between the two companies is for preferential interviews for RESIDENTS of Chicago. Most of the pilot group is not. That means, we get interviews AS AIR TRAN SEES FIT. And seeing as how even though I am a 737 captain for ATA, I don't have 500 Part 121 PIC, I don't fit into your puzzle. Not a resident of Chicago proper, no preferential interview. No 500 part 121 PIC, no regular interview. Minimum 20 pilots a month for 12 months is minumum 240 pilots. I am sure Air Tran has lots and lots and lots of resumes from peole they are already planning on interviewing. All qualified non-Chicagoans from ATA will go behind all of those. As the plan stands now, that is.

Unless, of course, you would like to handwalk in my resume.
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While Ty and everyone else decide to bicker about things, could someone please answer my questions. All of you may know so much about the current state of affairs between these two companies, but I guarantee you that nobody really knows what is going on. If you would like to continue this way, then start PM'ing each other and don't post things on an open forum. There are careers at stake, there are people at stake.................how can we solve this...............how can we help out? This is important; not your constant squabbling.

The AirTran job fair was disclosed to ATA management nearly two weeks ago. They chose not to share this information with the ATA pilots until outed by a line pilot this morning. He wandered upon the AirTran interview meeting for rampers and asked, somewhat sarcastically, when the job fair for ATA pilots was. The AirTran rep told him honestly, Monday the 13th, 0900 to 1200 and 1400 to 1800.

Your beef is with the ATA flight department, not AirTran. My plan is to kick any flight department manager squarely in the nuts, if given the opportunity... and to be there some time around 0830 Monday to graciously hand over a qualified resume.
Maybe because it's 3am and I am still recovering from last night's redeye flight....

But why the hell would our Flight Dept. Managers withhold this info from our pilots? To what end?

Did they plan to tell us at anytime or to just have the AirTran rep. sit in any empty room all day?

There needs to be some accountability about this...I am floored beyond belief.
Land Green said:
I am stupid and don't quite understand what is going on!!!!!!

I thought ATA was owned by a single person since the beginning. How can this person's life-long motivation and occupation simply come to an end so quickly. What does AirTran's involvement mean? Can ATA be resurrected or restructured, or is this it. Is AirTran just holding the reigns for a while until the brass at ATA figures this one out? Is it possible that the whole thing can just slide over to AirTran, ie. like a merger or takeover. What happens to all the planes, the infrastructure, the stores, the mx, and most importantly the people? Why can't ATA file for protection like some of the "big-boys". It seems USAir and UAL are so far away from this happening, why does ATA have to take this?
Land Green said:
While Ty and everyone else decide to bicker about things, could someone please answer my questions. All of you may know so much about the current state of affairs between these two companies, but I guarantee you that nobody really knows what is going on.
Dude, lighten up.....I think the reason no one bothered with your questions is because (a) there were just too **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** many questions and it made my head hurt, (b) they weren't particularly well thought out or easily answered questions, and (c) it seemed to me like you just don't have any sense of the industry, and no one has time to explain it to you. Lots of guys just lurk on these boards, learn a bit as they read, and don't post anything.

Sorry for the slam, but someone had to do it.
Pickle said:
....Not a resident of Chicago proper, no preferential interview. No 500 part 121 PIC, no regular interview. Minimum 20 pilots a month for 12 months is minumum 240 pilots. I am sure Air Tran has lots and lots and lots of resumes from peole they are already planning on interviewing. All qualified non-Chicagoans from ATA will go behind all of those. .....

Airtran has always had "preferential" interviews. If you know someone on the inside you get an interview. If you meet them at a few job fairs and they like you, you get an interview. For at least the last 3 years, it's been very difficult to just submit a resume with no contacts and "get an interview".

UPS, FedEx, and SWA do preferential interviews. SWA is the least preferential of the three with extra points given to a 737 type which anyone can get if they have enough cash. (please don't go into that, I know the controversy).

Don't expect this to be the last word on Airtran's so-called preferential interviewing for ATA. Give them a chance and explain to them why you weren't able to get to the ATA job fair. I'm figuring ATA folks will be ahead of many, many others for at least a few months. It sucks overall but, believe it or not, you are better off than furloughed DAL guys.

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