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Attn: ACA furlough's

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Still turning two
Nov 26, 2001
I spoke with your MEC last week and apparently, he said he posted a hotline message stating that PSA will give preferential hiring status to any ACA pilot on the street. We are in the process of hiring into the pool with class dates starting in June.

I know it aint much, but maybe this will give some of you guys a option if you choose.

PM if you need the the contact info and where to send your stuff.
328dude, I'm not an ACA pilot but it is good to see pilots helping out other pilots. I hope some are able to take you guys up on it. -Bean

Your intelligence is very impressive.

Did I forget to pay you for the pizza?

Listen 328dude, I was a CA at PDT when you were still flight instructing. Are you honestly telling me that any of the WO's have a future. Except maybe in pizza delivery. Jack#ss
Eight driver:

We're all very proud of you!
152 Driver:

First off, you don't know me. Second, I never instructed. And lastly, You coming from wholly owned is a sad vision giving your hypothesis minus the educated part.

Enough with you, get back to mowing my yard.

Another $25hr PSA Captain that knows it all. So witty.....and to waste all that knowledge being commuter trash. I'm sure the RJ's are right around the corner. HA...HA...:D

Wow, absolutly amazing. So who do you fly for big boy? You seem to think you know alot about me, but with 30 posts, you don't seem to have alot to offer or much knowledge. 25/hour? Might not sound like much, but there are alot of guys on the street right now that would give anything to continue to feed their family's. So before you go calling people commuter trash and slamming people that make 25 dollors and hour to feed their familys, you might want to think your selfish ways and try to help other people rather then bashing them.
Again, if your so smart, why don't you pay someones morgage or medical bills with your own paycheck if it's that big rather then pick on people that are only trying to survive, or me for trying to help some of these guys.

Please remove the
from your mouth would ya? It's affecting your intelligence.


WOW. How long did it take you to come up with that!

First. I am only 29, hardley a grandpa.
Second. I WAS a commuter puke. First for AE then for PDT. But got tired of the Bull@hit pay and lifestyle.
Third. I left a CA position at PDT on principle. I refuse to pay a crapload of money for education to fly for peanuts. When ALPO voted in this sh#t contract in, I walked. This was in December 2002 when all the furloughing was hot and heavy. So don't tell me about all the poor pilots in the street. If these so called AIRLINE pilots would stand up for themselves instead of just bending over we all wouldn't be in this mess. And as far as I am concerned PSA helped pave this sh#t highway, have fun driving on it. :)

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