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ATP Checkride

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
A friend of mine is trying to get his ATP certificate. He took his written over two years ago, but has been employed by a 121 carrier for longer than that. He was signed up to take a part 61 ATP ride with a DE in MCO, but was told that since it is a part 61 ride and his written was over two years ago, that he would have to take the written over again, since it is not a 121 checkride. Any DE's or anyone else out there ran into this problem???
IFlyFL410 said:
A friend of mine is trying to get his ATP certificate. He took his written over two years ago, but has been employed by a 121 carrier for longer than that. He was signed up to take a part 61 ATP ride with a DE in MCO, but was told that since it is a part 61 ride and his written was over two years ago, that he would have to take the written over again, since it is not a 121 checkride. Any DE's or anyone else out there ran into this problem???
You mean applicants trying to take checkrides with expired writtens?
Well it's funny that is my exact situation. Well close anyway. I am 135 and I am looking to take my ATP and my knowledge exam has expired. I've heard some very conflicting opinions on this. I think I'm going to have to retake the exam, unless I take the checkride under 135. I quote PTS ATP exception to the 24 month rule, " Pilot in Command aircraft qualification training program that is appropriate to the certificate and rating sought; and Qualification training requirements appropriate to the certificate and rating sought." I read this as the checkride has to be taken under the rules one operates under (121, 125, 135)
I was under the impression that the ATP written doesn't expire if you are employed by a 135/121 air carrier. Never heard of your situation before - good luck
NoPax said:
I was under the impression that the ATP written doesn't expire if you are employed by a 135/121 air carrier. Never heard of your situation before - good luck

61.39b - you can take the ATP flight test with an expired ATP written provided you are presently employed by a 121,125,135 carrier and have completed that carrier's upgrade training program.
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We know that the written never expires so long as employed by a 121/135 carrier. But the DE is a part 61 checkride, so there in lies the problem he says. However, another friend of mine was in the same boat, but had another DE do his ride anyway with proof that he worked at a 121 carrier. But that FAR that was just posted seems to sum it though. Thanks.
The only way the written is good beyond the 24 month window is if the checkride is done as part of the 121/135 upgrade per the company's approved training and upgrade procedures. If you take the expired written to your local examiner and rent a duchess on your own... you are outta luck. Retake the written or wait for the company upgrade.

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