No call for an interview, but I wonder if any of the Astar folks could evaluate my chances; I'm a 46 year old ATP, 4700 hrs- mostly Alaska piston time (single and multi for a scheduled bush carrier). I've been an EMB120 f/o for the last year, also a mechanic (airframe). Anybody like me get a call?
For any Astar guy, is this hiring wave soley for anticipated growth of your DHL flying or for your own flying as Dasburg has been quoted as wanting to branch out and do some independent flying not tied to DHL.
Unless someone else knows, I can't say whether it's for core or not. We are pursuing more AMC opportunities, but I think the current hiring is not due to any big expansion. We have SO's in their 7th year, meaning an additional week of vacation. Also, we have more a few more A/C on the way so we need a few more for that.
I don't there is going to be any big changes for anybody till the whole thing ends up in ILN and DHL knows what they want.
We will be I think 2 to 4 airplanes ahead this year, but I think AV8tor is right, it is mostly that so many are gaining so much vacation. Supposedly via management we will be closing 12 stations this year and opening 19. But as pointed out in other posts DHL is jacking around both ABX and Astar. One day were doing a new trip the next we are not. We were sending an 8 to SLC, now were not and instead that 8 is now going to IAH. Wish they would just wait until we are both at ILN, then consolidate routes, but then somebody could not justify their job for now. So until then, SNAFU.
Have you Aatar guys seen any change in your freight weights in CVG? We're way up in ILN with daily extra sections to LAS, BOS, MEM-BNA and others to pick up even more. There's been speculation that they are transfering freight from the CVG sort to the ILN sort but I haven't heard any confirmation. I'd rather hear that the CVG freight was up, too.
Our company generally runs 1-2 flights a night from CVG-ILN-CVG and vice versa moving freight between the sorts. Ameriflight has done the same aswell.....
I'm sort of in the same boat as TJmoser, What kind of background are they hiring from. Astar is my long term goal, but in my 20's, working for a fractional, about to upgrade in the next six months, with another free type on the way, with a good schedule and good $$, gaining some badly needed PIC Jet time. Or........would I be better tightening my belt now, and focus on trying to land an opportunity to fly a large airplane and gather the experience at a smaller frieght operation ARROW, RYAN etc, ? The idea of continuously bouncing around employers is getting old but hey.....what's a guy supposed to do?
1500 turbine
FE Written
PIC only in pistons
No degree......yet
15 minutes from ILN
Maybe some of you guys can give me an idea If I'm in left field or not?? Or is it more of a matter of knowing some helpful folks that makes the all important difference? Thanks in advance for the help and advice!
As for freight going out of CVG to ILN, doesn't worry me. ABX is the primary ride at ILN. DHL is moving to ILN. Freight will move to ILN ahead of our move there. Freight is going up overall. How it's gonna shake out when the dust settles is above my paygrade.
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