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ASA VP FLT OPs tries to scare the pilots

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Cush, I think you may have seen the light, well maybe.

cushman_500 said:
no they made the pay rates in line with every other 70 seat operator. it just happens that all of them (except horizon) have taken pay cuts

You can only pay any group what the industry will support. DL NW USair UAL have all seen the light to stay in business. A 70 is a 70 no matter what the paint job is, so how can you justify taking our wages over the top. Our salary must be in-line with our competators or we die.

If Pizza Hut offers a slice of supreme for 3.25 Dominoes has that exact same slice for 1.25, where are you go?:cool:

Fly Safe...
atlcrjdriver said:
Cush, I think you may have seen the light, well maybe.

You can only pay any group what the industry will support. DL NW USair UAL have all seen the light to stay in business. A 70 is a 70 no matter what the paint job is, so how can you justify taking our wages over the top. Our salary must be in-line with our competators or we die.

If Pizza Hut offers a slice of supreme for 3.25 Dominoes has that exact same slice for 1.25, where are you go?:cool:

Fly Safe...

That is the most flawed analogy I've ever seen. Did they not offer a Logic 101 at GA Southern or what? If Pizza Hut can consistantly sell their pizza at $3.25, & still have a 13% profit margin - Like we do at ASA, then who the hell cares what Dominoes is up too??? Besides, if Pizza Hut does have to cut their prices to compete - do they ask the dough flippers for a pay cut??? Of course not.

Look, here is what I know: I am not willing to do this job for a dime less than I'm doing it for now. I will not do it for $1.00 less so that you can take your best shot at leaving a year earlier (good luck, by the way). Furthermore, as I will not work for less, I cannot reasonably expect anybody else here who gets the same treatment from management that I've experienced over the last five+ years to do so either (ie 70pilots, IP's, FO's, etc.). Why should we? This company is NOT losing money like those your keep mentioning (DL, NW, USair) - what about that is so confusing for you?

Now, does our MEC need to bend on some of our current positions? Well, of course - and I'm sure they have every intention of doing so as long as the Company is willing to bend as well. Unfortunately, whomever is calling the shots is going to call our hand & test our group will. This strike vote is critical. What you are doing here is harmful to our cause & detrimental to our bargaining position. The MEC will meet them in the middle when the time is right. Now is not the time.

You need to get on board with this vote and realize that it is your only chance to voice your opinion that more bargaining is needed. Your NO vote will be a vote to accept whatever Mgt. offers & they will NOT thank you for your sacrifice. They will simply up their profit margin to 14%, collect their bonuses w/ your raise & high five each other on their way to cash their checks. If you've been here any length of time - you should know this by now.
Sconoy, never heard of a course called logic 101 but how about business ethics? In the above example, how long do think it will be b4 Pizza Hut lowers its rate in order to compete and retake its share of the marketplace. Or, they can stay hardball, say screw Dominoes and watch its profits deteriorate as they loose customers.

This marketplace is fluid and you must adjust with it. I am not saying give up the store but compete. Once the marketplace will support it then we can renegotiate for a new rate.
COLD HARD NUMBERS - Yet ASA management wants us to LOWER our "HIGH" pilot cost????

From another thread:

CRJ 700 3rd Quarter 2005
Revenue Passenger Miles 593.36 514.58 399.01
Available Seat Miles 746.15 655.28 554.85
Load Factor 79.52% 78.53% 71.91%

Revenue Miles 10,659 9,783 7,926
Revenue Hours 24,253 22,666 19,385
Block Hours 30,180 28,551 24,331
Aircraft Days 2,028 3,126 2,366
Revenue Departures 15,584 15,162 14,672
Gallons of Fuel 14,367 14,103 11,601

Flight Crew Expense $9,730 $9,341 $8,227
Fuel Expense $27,127 $29,633 $22,199
Total Flying Expense $38,953 $39,737 $31,264

Direct Maint. - Airframe $4,331 $1,715 $3,391
Direct Main. - Engines $888 $3,530 $317
Total Direct Maintenance $5,219 $5,245 $3,708
Maintenance Burden $693 $0 $1,462

Depreciation $7,012 $2,608 $6,059
Aircraft Rent $1,033 $11,984 $255

Total Aircraft Operating Expense $53,112 $59,574 $42,748


FLIGHT CREW COST $322 $327 $338

Fuel Cost $899 $1038 $912
Other Costs $69 $27 $34

TOTAL FLYING COST $1,291 $1,392 $1,285

Direct Main. - Airframe $144 $60 $139
Direct Main. - Engines $29 $124 $13
Total Direct Maintenance $173 $184 $152
Maintenance Burden $23 $0 $60

Total maintenance cost $196 $91 $249

Depreciation $232 $91 $212
Aircraft Rent $34 $420 $10

TOTAL COST PER BLOCK HOUR $1,760 $2,087 $1,757





Daily utilization 14.9 9.1 10.3
Avg. Speed 353 343 326
Gallons of fuel per block hour 476 494 477
Fuel Cost per Gallon $1.89 $2.10 $1.91
Average Stage Length 684 645 540
Avg. Departures per day 8 5 6

COST PER DEPARTURE $3,408 $3,929 $2,914

Data derived from DOT form 41

This is just for the 70, so it gets more profitable on the 50.
Also, it is said to many times that why take a cut when ASA is making so much money. The bulk of ASA flying is on the CR2 which pays less than industry standard. ALPA has recognized this and so has company which is great. But answer this: How can you adjust our mother load up to standard w/o also adjusting the CR7 while maintaining a profit margin?
your logic is flawed because the situations are not analogous. this situation would be analogous if you said this:

pizza hut and dominos are offering the pizza for $1.24 and a $1.25 respectively. pizza hut is making record profits, but they want paycuts from their cooks saying that they aren't competitive enough. what should the cooks do? should they take a paycut and help the leaders of the company make more money or should they refuse and get what they are worth?


What part of this do you not understand atlcrjdriver??
Those numbers are great, now rerun it with a 9.0% raise over current rates and tell me what you get. Again, don't give up the store just bring the rates for all fleets in line to what industry will support.

And no Cush they would't ask min wage labor for a pay cut. The profit from increased marketshare would cover operating cost.
The cost of doing business...

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