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ASA VP FLT OPs tries to scare the pilots

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79%N1 said:
OK. First off, I don't need to villified for saying my opinion on what Tutt's letter may mean. I am solidly behind my MEC, and am a yes on strike vote. I am, however, of the opinion that ALPA is asking for too much, and in light of that, Atkin etc is forced to give the 900's to Skywest pilots, along with our SLC base. Was this going to happen all along? I don't know. But, it still sucks for us at ASA, while Skywest gets yet another windfall. As just another side to the arguement, it is important to know that many of us will be taking a hugh paycut now, as many ATL 700 fo's will be now pushed back to the 200 - thus a paycut. Many 700 Captains will now be 200 Captains, and some 200 Captains are going back to fo. That is the fact of what will happen now, because I believe IMHO that we are going to lose the airplanes and not get the 900's. So be it. I will be walking along side the rest of you, as my resolve is stregthened even further. I just am not striking over 700 pay. There are other issues for me. Those costs (pilot only) are not in line with the rest of the industry, and we want to move them ahead further, almost 25% more than average. I don't think that is realistic or sustainable today. Again, my opinion. That said, I don't think it matters what we do. JA has his plan to get ASA's SLC base and maybe all of our 700's anyway. Maybe we are just being used. Just a whipsaw pawn. The only difference is I am wondering, or speculating what will happen to us at ASA if JA, BL and CT are telling us facts. And I don't have to like it. I think it is just silly to act tough and say 'who cares if they take the planes.' Some people do care, and I was showing what those reasons may be. The funny thing is, things will be a lot worse if they shrink us than if we compromise a little on 700 pay. Just admit that a little while you run around with your chests puffed out screaming 'burn this place down!'

Some time you have to stand tall and not cower in the corner. This is one of those times.
The fact of the matter is, to get this done both sides need to come to the table in good faith. With a proposal like the one they gave on 5/25 was not in good faith as far as wages go. I realize that in negotiations one side starts high and the other low to meet in the middle, but that was through the roof and the mediator saw that. To the CNC, stop playing and get it done.
Some say, well we have come down on our proposal. Where is it posted? Let the rank and file know what is going on. Even on the asa mec web site, nothing. Guys asking what is the latest on the vote-reply try and find a P2P guy and ask him. Why the new double secret intel?

Things that make you go - hmmmm
jegermeister said:
Liar, liar pants on fire! How can Charlie say that it's our fault, when it's really his fault. And for all you kids that don't want a better contract, reach down and act act like you have a pair......remember full pay to the last day!

I'm so tired of hearing hearing this crap. I heard it at ALG, now again. For those of you that believe it, wake up. And for those of you who still think we're in a position to strong arm management, ask our union brothers in the steel industry how well they did.

We did well in section 13, lets call it draw and move on. Otherwise we're F*cked.

For those of you that can't write an intelligent response, feel free to bring on the personal acts, it seems to be your only counter arguement.

PS Joe M. You've been right on, for a while now.

Looks like you were in the military. Did you not tell them you were a "Conscientious Objector" when you enlisted? How many white flags do you carry in your military flight bag?
The rates on the table are 60-76 seats Turbo Jet rate. Thus, the new CR7 rate would also cover the 76 seat config CR9
Bizjet said:
Looks like you were in the military. Did you not tell them you were a "Conscientious Objector" when you enlisted? How many white flags do you carry in your military flight bag?

If you ever served your country, then you could talk to me. Otherwise lets talk about something you know about.
all of you idiots that think we get paid too much to fly to cr7, where do you think we got those payrates years ago. do you think the union and the company agreed that the 70 should pay so much more than every other airline. no they made the pay rates in line with every other 70 seat operator. it just happens that all of them (except horizon) have taken pay cuts or, in the case of mesa or chq, just have no juevos to get paid what they are worth. if you think or 70 seat pay should be cut then go jump off the bridge that everyone else is jumping off
However, I am afraid it IS possible that Tutt's letter has a ring of truth to it. In the current environment Delta DOES require us to be within a certain cost stucture or someone else gets the flying.

Well, we are the MOST profitable regional in the US. Our profit margin beat the others by over 3%. That tells me that overall costs are indeed competitive, and that we don't need to take a paycut to increase that margin. If they really believe that we are not competitive they can take that extra 3% margin and give it back to DAL as a rebate. That would really make us competitive.
cushman_500 said:
if you think or 70 seat pay should be cut then go jump off the bridge that everyone else is jumping off

i'll jump, if my MEC tells me to (new bag sticker idea).

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