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ASA VP FLT OPs tries to scare the pilots

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Think about it from a managers point of view. One of the last things they are worried about is pilot pay. They are not going to win or lose a bid because a pilot makes $5 more per hour. The reason they come after the pilots so much is because they know pilots will cave. There is no easier place to get money from then the pilots.

J.A. didn't buy an airline. He bought airplanes, gates, and a service agreement with Delta. Don't fool yourself, if we're 1 cent more to operate, then the transfer of assets will continue. Some call it whip sawing, he sees it as good business.

We can "hold the line" and get mowed down, but as for me I've been there, done that, and certainly don't need another t-shirt.
"If only all of your pilots had your stance. Thank You."

Do you think if every SkyWest pilot had voted "No" that the
planes wouldn't have come anyway? You would be
working at the same pay rates, regardless of which
way the vote went.
SuperKooter said:
I hate the union and SkyWest managment could feel good knowing that I would vote no on any drive for alpa.

That is the reason we put the agency shop clause in the last agreement. JUST FOR YOU!
OK. First off, I don't need to villified for saying my opinion on what Tutt's letter may mean. I am solidly behind my MEC, and am a yes on strike vote. I am, however, of the opinion that ALPA is asking for too much, and in light of that, Atkin etc is forced to give the 900's to Skywest pilots, along with our SLC base. Was this going to happen all along? I don't know. But, it still sucks for us at ASA, while Skywest gets yet another windfall. As just another side to the arguement, it is important to know that many of us will be taking a hugh paycut now, as many ATL 700 fo's will be now pushed back to the 200 - thus a paycut. Many 700 Captains will now be 200 Captains, and some 200 Captains are going back to fo. That is the fact of what will happen now, because I believe IMHO that we are going to lose the airplanes and not get the 900's. So be it. I will be walking along side the rest of you, as my resolve is stregthened even further. I just am not striking over 700 pay. There are other issues for me. Those costs (pilot only) are not in line with the rest of the industry, and we want to move them ahead further, almost 25% more than average. I don't think that is realistic or sustainable today. Again, my opinion. That said, I don't think it matters what we do. JA has his plan to get ASA's SLC base and maybe all of our 700's anyway. Maybe we are just being used. Just a whipsaw pawn. The only difference is I am wondering, or speculating what will happen to us at ASA if JA, BL and CT are telling us facts. And I don't have to like it. I think it is just silly to act tough and say 'who cares if they take the planes.' Some people do care, and I was showing what those reasons may be. The funny thing is, things will be a lot worse if they shrink us than if we compromise a little on 700 pay. Just admit that a little while you run around with your chests puffed out screaming 'burn this place down!'
79%N1 said:
I care, because......
A. If they take the SLC 700's and dont replace them, my 5-6 year upgrade turns into a 8-10 year upgrade.
B. When the SLC 700's leave, I will be bumped back to the 50 seater.....thus giving me the same dam# paycut the company is proposing I take anyway!!!!

And all you Junior 700 Captains will take a much bigger paycut when you get displaced to the 50 seater.
And you Junior 50 Captains will take a much bigger paycut when you go back to the freakin right seat!!! Enjoy the whiz wheel and weight and balance forms. See ya on the walk around. When will you guys see, we are way above those we are competing with on these 700's. Why is it a bluff of JA to say they will take them away? Then everyone gets a big paycut!

Another one "it's all about me."

Here is your next job.
Web Site: http://www.pas-aviation.aero

CRJ Capts. in India!
One very important fact abut KING TUTT every one is forgetting to talk about.....HE DID THE SAME THING AT DELTA.....He negotiated as a pilot on the Behalf of the company and got the company it's concessionary contract!

That is the whole reason why he is here! To break us!

We are approaching a record for the longest open negotiations in history. Maybe we need to write our Senator and Congressmen (forget McKinney) to take a hard look at the RLA.....How many people in any other industries do you know that are forced to work without a contract? I know no CEO or pro sports player works with out a contract....Why should we.....So the company can continue to screw the employees for 4 years while the company has no motivation to come to an agreement while they laugh all the way to the bank.

It is not all about pay either......The SCOPE as currently written gives ASA pilots no job security at all. Vote yes for a strike becuase of scope and pay.
ASABound said:
All the junior guys care about is a darn upgrade and to drink the COOL AID. !! Get a life and go work for SKW if you dont want to try to keep /raise the bar!!

The junior guys need to read up on the contract.

24.G.6.d. How much TT time do you think you need to upgrade?
They (Brian L. and Charlie T.) can say what ever they want; but, the truth is we haven't had a pay raise in years, and we still don't have a new contract. I will not vote on a TA that is concessionary when we are making money hand over fist. If we were in bankruptcy and losing millions per quarter, than perhaps a paycut would be in order to keep flying. But when the opposite is true...hell no to givebacks!

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