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ASA VP FLT OPs tries to scare the pilots

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gator_hater said:
I'm with you on this one. Every other airline is facing pay cuts and ALPA is asking for a 17% raise over the next three years for the entire pilot group. PLus other $$. Lets be conservative and say that the average pilot here makes 60K. A 17% increase across the board is about $19m. That comes out of the whopping $41m profit. Regardless of what our DCA says, that is not good business. We run on small profit margins and cutting those in half is pretty stupid. Time for ALPA to get their collective head out of their A$$ and be REASONABLE. Pay cuts are not reasonable either but they are a hell of a lot closer that ALPA.

Gator and 79%...remember that the ALPA proposal is just that, a proposal. The union has to start somewhere and then both sides meet somewhere in the middle. I also keep telling you guys to not forget the Horizon payrates. Our current 70 seat rates are not at all out of line. But asking 70 FO's for 13.5 % is a massive cut and not to mention in extremely poor taste. Do not forget, our union negotiators know what they are doing. They know what the pilot group feels is important because we let them know via surveys,P2P, and speaking directly with union members. Have a little patience and show some confidence in your reps.
:cool:Hmmm, good post!

FL990 you hit the nail right on the head. Smoke and Mirrors! I am NOT going to GIVE IN on anything!

Skywst pilots....the ball is in your courts. You guys better realize that he is going to come to ya'll NEXT!! Vote in that UNION next month and G R DONE!!!

Superpooter, I believe that JO is looking for a good lackey and you would surely fit under his desk! By the way, Frank Lorenzo is probably your dad, RIGHT! YOU are a DISGRACE and I hope that you cross the line, you may end up with a few lumps and maybe even find HOFFA!!;)

79% you had better get a hold of yourself and stop this "self-pitty" BS!! That is EXACTLY what mgmnt wants and you better WAKE UP and take the stand with us, or YOU will be getting a paycut as well as stay in the same seat! Yeah, NOT FUN!! Get it together "STEEL MAN!!!!!"
hmmurdock said:
Gator and 79%...remember that the ALPA proposal is just that, a proposal. The union has to start somewhere and then both sides meet somewhere in the middle. I also keep telling you guys to not forget the Horizon payrates. Our current 70 seat rates are not at all out of line. But asking 70 FO's for 13.5 % is a massive cut and not to mention in extremely poor taste. Do not forget, our union negotiators know what they are doing. They know what the pilot group feels is important because we let them know via surveys,P2P, and speaking directly with union members. Have a little patience and show some confidence in your reps.

It is still BS. Four years into this and everone is tired of this crap. Someone needs to act like an adult walk in and put an offer on the table they can live with. This is the equivilant to a week long debate at the car dealership. Someone needs to act like an adult and move this crap along...in my view, just like four years ago, it has shifted from the company to ALPA again dragging their heels. Give us something to vote on!
FL990 said:

13.1% profit margins...$85MIL+ profits

Except for the fact that it was $42m for the last 9 months in 2005. That is also based on opperating profit not total profit. It still remains that our MEC is asking for HALF of that in pilot raises. Don't get me wrong, we ARE worth it and I'd like the $$ but that is not good business.
I don't know about you, but this Kool-Aid is "working" on me...I'm scared.

I'll take concessions...anything......just do it....show me where to sign.

I already told my 'Riddle buddies I'd be flying a '900 by October.....don't make me look stupid.

And I ordered "CRJ9-PLT" plates for my BMW 323i that my parents bought me when I passed the first set of exams.

And that chick in the bar....what's she gonna do when she finds out I'm a liar?

Liar, liar pants on fire! How can Charlie say that it's our fault, when it's really his fault. And for all you kids that don't want a better contract, reach down and act act like you have a pair......remember full pay to the last day!

I'm so tired of hearing hearing this crap. I heard it at ALG, now again. For those of you that believe it, wake up. And for those of you who still think we're in a position to strong arm management, ask our union brothers in the steel industry how well they did.

We did well in section 13, lets call it draw and move on. Otherwise we're F*cked.

For those of you that can't write an intelligent response, feel free to bring on the personal acts, it seems to be your only counter arguement.

PS Joe M. You've been right on, for a while now.
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You just dont get it

79%N1 said:
Well, to be devils advocate......IF what Tutt says is true, ASA is going to fuc%ing suck a$$ to work at! Junior Captains will go back to FO, Senior FO's will NEVER upgrade, and Junior FO's will be furloughed! Don't forget, the ATR's will be gone next year, and 13 or more 700's and one base closure! Not what I signed up for, thats for sure. I'm not sure why we think they won't do this. Calling their bluff is walking on really thin ice! Why won't they give the 900's to Skywest??? THEY FLY THEM FOR 50 SEAT RATES!!!!!! I'm not saying we should, at ASA.....but, ALPA is definitely asking for too much! Read the open sections email. We need to prioritize. If keeping 700 pay is priority number 1, then lets drop rigs and a funded retirement. Lets drop the 50 seater increases a bit. If rigs is the #1 issue, then lets come down on 70 seat pay. I'm all about getting whats fair, and I aint no management kool-aid drinker, however, I just don't see us being almost 25% higher in pay on the 700 than industry average, which is about what ALPA is asking for, and keeping those planes. If you think we will, you don't understand todays Regional Lift Provider environment! Who decided this? I was never 'polled' on what I think 700 pay should be. Lets get back in there, and compromise and come to an agreement so we dont go the way of ACA/Indy Air.

Think about it from a managers point of view. One of the last things they are worried about is pilot pay. They are not going to win or lose a bid because a pilot makes $5 more per hour. The reason they come after the pilots so much is because they know pilots will cave. There is no easier place to get money from then the pilots.
SuperKooter said:
lets hurry up an strike so we can destroy this company so I can go look for a job without a selfish pilotgroup.

That's the problem with you. It's all about you. Selfish, self centered and I would bet that you're just a blast to live with.
SuperKooter said:
Hey ASA Alpa snobs let me ask you a question.
Is a 13% pay increase on 30 airplanes worth 300 of your fellow pilots jobs?

If you have such a problem with this why don't you go into the crew lounge in ATL and have an face to face talk with all the pilots.

I didn't think you would. No guts no glory Junior.

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