Says you and ALPA.... I don't agree and will do what is best for me, as will most ALPA members.... something you need to realize..... To be honest, I don't care what YOU think.... My job doesn't belong to you or to ALPA... something you need to understand....
Fine, but then don't ask or expect me to support ALPA. If that is ALPA's position, then I don't support it.... and then I don't support ALPA.... Actually, you are more honest than most ALPA cheerleaders.... the battle has been lost.... We will continue to fight separately.....
You're only concerned with yourself. The majority of ASA's pilots don't have the same goals that you do. They fully intend to leave ASA and go to a mainline carrier. Your objectives are at direct odds with theirs, and they are the majority. Sorry, Joe, but majority rules.
I notice you decided not to address the part of my post that dealt with why I don't want to become a "real" pilot like you... very telling..... Your whole strategy is based on selling me something I don't want.....
Never used the phrase "real pilot," Joe. That's your concoction. I don't look down on regional pilots as you imply. Hell, I just was one a few months ago, and I spent over 6 years there. But, I do think it's a mistake to try to make a career out of a regional job. You obviously disagree, so we'll see who was right in a couple of decades.