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ASA Furloughs

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I think furloughs are unlikely at ASA. However, the hiring outlook keeps looking dimmer. We keep hearing that there will be another major DFW expansion soon, but all that I've seen so far is our flying being transfered to other DCI carriers. In addition to the CMR growth in ATL, CHT will be taking the majority of our E120 routes in DFW, and SKW continues to replace us (4 ASA roundtrips from DFW to DEN go to SKW on 8/1). It may be a little premature to start screaming that the sky is falling. There could be a big announcement soon that gives ASA additional flying, but then again, there may not be. I guess all we can do is be patient and hope for the best. Easier said than done!
>>ASA President and Regional Airline Association (RAA) Chairman Skip Barnette this week commended the regional airline industry for thriving in the current economic environment during his keynote address at the Annual Convention in Phoenix, Ariz.<<

Well now, I guess that shuts the PHX rumor down. !!

From Sleepy's post:

Why it could happen:

1. The unpredictable always happens at ASA.
2. We could be overstaffed when the EMB transition is complete in the Fall.
3. FA's are being offered unpaid leaves (yet hiring continues).
4. Guys on military leave will start returning soon.
5. We are in contract talks, and the company may want to dick with us.
6. General Lee wants our pilots to feel some pain

Oh come on Sleepy, you know I don't want anyone to be in pain. My big thing is to help our Delta furloughs----not add any to any other airline. I never suggested that we take any of your planes and displace your pilots, only to add NEW ones to our fleet to help the 1300 furloughs. I really hope you don't think that way. I have always stated my appreciation to the ASA pilots for helping the Delta furloughs (all 13 of them---which is better than nothing), and I have stated that I know that Delta will SOMEDAY hire a lot of you guys if you want to fly at Delta. I know you might have been joking with the above post of yours, but I don't want ANYONE to be furloughed, period.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;)
General Lee said:

From Sleepy's post:

Why it could happen:

1. The unpredictable always happens at ASA.
2. We could be overstaffed when the EMB transition is complete in the Fall.
3. FA's are being offered unpaid leaves (yet hiring continues).
4. Guys on military leave will start returning soon.
5. We are in contract talks, and the company may want to dick with us.
6. General Lee wants our pilots to feel some pain

Oh come on Sleepy, you know I don't want anyone to be in pain. My big thing is to help our Delta furloughs----not add any to any other airline. I never suggested that we take any of your planes and displace your pilots, only to add NEW ones to our fleet to help the 1300 furloughs. I really hope you don't think that way. I have always stated my appreciation to the ASA pilots for helping the Delta furloughs (all 13 of them---which is better than nothing), and I have stated that I know that Delta will SOMEDAY hire a lot of you guys if you want to fly at Delta. I know you might have been joking with the above post of yours, but I don't want ANYONE to be furloughed, period.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;)

I know General, you just want us to take a pay cut. Ok, I'm just kidding, I haven't seen you around in a while and thought that would bring you out from under your old car.

You don't really think I have an old car, do you? Umm, nope. And why would I be under it? That's what a dealership is for---to over charge you for work that someone else can do for free!! No, I have been flying a lot lately, and that is why I miss a few days at a time. I don't want anyone to take a pay cut, but I do think that if we at mainline HAVE TO TAKE ONE, maybe some other people should also, and not the same amount by the way. I am just saying that we shouldn't be the ones to shoulder the pain exclusively. That sounds fair, right? I mean, we are the only ones at the company who have a union, and pay dues to that union to fight for us. You have the same union. We should be protected. But, you can now say that we are paid a lot more than our "peers"---being UAL, AA, etc. Well, the same could be said about you guys---you are paid a lot more than your peers at Mesa and Chit-talk. See, it is a no win situation. We probably will give some pay concessions to help the company, but we will still try to keep the bar high---so that other airlines have a bar to shoot for when they re-negotiate in 4-5 years. But, again I say---we will probably give some things up.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;)

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