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ASA Electronic Strike Ballot is Here!!!

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jehtplane said:
All of your politics, yes ALPA has it's problems ,however, it is time to stop the race to the bottom, the ASA pilot group should be proud of itself and stick together, vote in favor of a strike. John, Joe, or whoever you are , it is time for you to stop contributing to divide and conquer.

Jehtplane, I agree with you that it is time to stop the race to the bottom. However the ASA pilot group cannot stop it by themselves. Our national union has to step up to the plate and it has to be done ACROSS COMPANY LINES. RJDC calls it "inclusivescope" and ALPA calls it "brand scope". It is ALPA that has contributed to "divide and conquer" and I am only calling it like I see it. If we weren't divided, we wouldn't be conquered, but the fact is WE ARE DIVIDED and we are competing with each other. Falling on our sword won't stop the "race to the bottom", it will only allow another union pilot group or non-union pilot group to replace us. It doesn't do any good to "stick together" while our "brothers and sisters" come around our "line in the sand" to replace us.
anon said:
Hey Joe/John - whoever.

Is it true that you are going to make a run as the ATL Captains Rep next Tuesday?

Were you planning on keeping this quiet so no one else would get their forces there to oppose you?

Are you planning on running or not?

I am not running, however apparantly there are some people who want me to run. I've actually been trying to get Fins to run :beer: .The problem is I am not, and will never be a "politician". I am "damaged goods" because I say what is on my mind and that isn't the "political" thing to do. Especially not within ALPA. This problem is way beyond the ASA MEC, me and our current contract, and electing me as Capt. Rep. will not change it. It is going to take a complete overhaul of ALPA and the cooperation of every carrier within each brand to reverse the damage that has been done. I am willing to help out when our pilot group decides it is time for a change. If they want the status quo, then I will sit on the sidelines and provide commentary.
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JoeMerchant said:
Jehtplane, I agree with you that it is time to stop the race to the bottom. However the ASA pilot group cannot stop it by themselves. Our national union has to step up to the plate and it has to be done ACROSS COMPANY LINES. RJDC calls it "inclusivescope" and ALPA calls it "brand scope". It is ALPA that has contributed to "divide and conquer" and I am only calling it like I see it. If we weren't divided, we wouldn't be conquered, but the fact is WE ARE DIVIDED and we are competing with each other. Falling on our sword won't stop the "race to the bottom", it will only allow another union pilot group or non-union pilot group to replace us. It doesn't do any good to "stick together" while our "brothers and sisters" come around our "line in the sand" to replace us.
Forget it Joe. The union kool aid is to powerful. Same thing happened at TSA. Look what is happening there now. The memories and the new furloughs are constant reminders.

You guys need to take a lesson. Better find a way to protect the flying you have before, "you stick it to the man." Burn down the house and it won't matter one iota. There will be a few thousand other regional pilots clapping their hands with glee at the thought of quick upgrades.

Stopping the race to the bottom? Yeah, whatever. You're buying yourself a place in the unemployment line. It doesn't matters to JA. If he can make a few more bucks by sending ASA down the tubes and having his boys step in, he will.
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Turkey Shoot said:
Forget it Joe. The union kool aid is to powerful. Same thing happened at TSA. Look what is happening there now.

You guys need to figure it out. Better find a way to protect the flying you have before, "you stick it to the man." Burn down the house and it won't matter one iota. There will be a few thousand other regional pilots clapping their hands with glee at the thought of quick upgrades.

Stopping the race to the bottom? Yeah, whatever. You're buying yourself a place in the unemployment line. It doesn't matters to JA. If he can make a few more bucks by sending ASA down the tubes and having his boys step in, he will.

Get a clue and attend some economics classes.

Your preaching to the choir Turkey Shoot. I used your example at TSA/G0Jets today with our conference call and CNC. They had no comment. I have studied your situation and others and it frustrates me that we keep making the same mistakes. What is worse, is when people like you and I point this stuff out we are called "turncoats", "management lackeys", etc. The truth hurts and people don't want to hear it. Ignorance is bliss - good luck on the Hulas camp.
If my only choices are to participate in the continual slide of this "career" by capitulating to the Company or to go down fighting, I'll choose to go down fighting, even if it doesn't make a difference.

So someone else will replace me. So what. They can have the job if the slide continues because this career is getting to the point that it just isn't worth it anymore. My identity isn't so wrapped up in flying a not so shiny jet around that I will accept a concessionary contract from a profitable Company. If making that choice spells the end of ASA then so be it.

Falling on our sword won't stop the "race to the bottom", it will only allow another union pilot group or non-union pilot group to replace us. It doesn't do any good to "stick together" while our "brothers and sisters" come around our "line in the sand" to replace us.

So instead, let's roll over and give in to anything the Company wants, right? Think I'll pass on that.
SKYW, CHQ, Mesa and even mainline pilots will replace us as the "race to the bottom" continues with or without us.

I don't know about the "us" part, but substitute "me" in there and I'll take the latter option.

Many of you will continue to blame BL or CT not realizing that they are puppets just as you and I are - the difference is they will be able to start over again at the same pay while you and I have to start over again at the bottom.

This puppet isn't rolling over so the puppet management of our profitable airline can make some more bonus money. And if ASA goes away this puppet also won't be seen at the bottom of any regional list.
JoeMerchant said:
We both voted no. We have been calling this train wreck for almost 4 years now but nobody wanted to hear it. ALPA isn't nearly as powerful as some of you believe and has in fact made the problem worse.

It is good to know that you two management lackeys voted NO. Will you SCAB your fellow ASA Pilots?

So you and your older girl friend have been trying to educate ASA's uneducated pilots for 4 years have you! You pride yourself in problem identification. Your solution is to surrender in all cases. You are setting yourself up to SCAB but you will never remove the mark of the "S"!!!!! You can then start over at the bottom at some other carrier and try to educate those pilots. However, I doubt that you will ever be employeed in this industry again. Your self proclaimed brilliance is meant for a higher calling.

And for her it won't matter as retirement is just around the corner and you can continue the crusade for another 20 years.

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