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ASA and Airbus?

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I was mainly bringing attention to the latest comair MEC rejection of giving furloughed Delta pilots preff. hiring to the bottom of their list, with out resigning their senority number.

I guess comair pilots don't want us to give them preff. hiring when that time comes around. Or any kind of hiring for that matter.

This will be very interesting. Lets see how this pans out, our MEC is looking at how to respond.

1015 pilots and counting, we will not forget!

Just wondering, what does the Comair MEC have to do with hiring at Comair? I know that our MEC at ASA has no control over who management hires. ASA is hiring furloughed pilots and not requiring them to resign seniority (that is how I was hired). We have hired a few furloughed DAL pilots, and our MEC supports that decision. I think the Comair MEC is making a big mistake on this (since they have no control over hiring anyway), but that is their business.

I was talking about the 70 seaters. We get all of them.

That's a lot more than just a bag o' worms. More like a whole bait shop full of worms.

Remember the PID? Denied on the grounds of "No operational integration"

So mainline takes an airframe already in revenue service at DCI, puts the furloughed guys in it (I'm guessing at rates close to DCI rates to get Leo to go for it) to fly routes currently being flown by DCI pilots??

Nope, no operational integration there, huh?

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