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ASA and Airbus?

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This would give our own pilots jobs insted of hiring "outsiders" at the DCI carriers.:)

Are there any "insiders" at DCI? You certainly haven't made us feel that way.
FL000 said:
Are there any "insiders" at DCI? You certainly haven't made us feel that way.

I was at a US Airways Express company before I spent a whole 6 months at Delta. I was not aware of the big rift between Delta and DCI. We had the same thing at USexpress, its all BS.

This would give our own pilots jobs insted of hiring "outsiders" at the DCI carriers

Your just pouring gas on the fire with this one.

Why in the holy H--- would Leo bring your guys back at your pay rates to fly RJ's instead of hiring DCI people at $19.10/hr.

In addition:

1. Who is going to train Delta pilots to fly the RJ's ??
Continued from previous -- d--n computer !

If there are bad relations between mainline and DCI now wait until mainline pilots start flying RJ's.

I'm not trying to be difficult here but there is no upside for Leo to move RJ flying to mainline. If it would happen then operational integration is complete and the entire one list issue will be right at Leo's door.

Lets put this one to bed. Its total flame bait.
rjcap said:
Continued from previous -- d--n computer !

If there are bad relations between mainline and DCI now wait until mainline pilots start flying RJ's.

I'm not trying to be difficult here but there is no upside for Leo to move RJ flying to mainline. If it would happen then operational integration is complete and the entire one list issue will be right at Leo's door.

Lets put this one to bed. Its total flame bait.

Yea, almost as crazy as ASA flying A318's.

I was talking about the 70 seaters. We get all of them. It seems the comair MEC's stance on not hiring furloughed Delta pilots, is raising the eyebrows of our MEC.

I am sure we could work something out with Leo. Seems the comair guys don't want to work with us.

I was talking about the 70 seaters. We get all of them.

Too late. We got him and I'm flying one of them !

I am sure we could work something out with Leo. Seems the comair guys don't want to work with us.

Why the h-ll should they. What have you guys ever done to build any type of good will or lines of communication with DCI. If anything you have consistently distanced yourself from your regional subsidiaries.

Look, I don't know where you are getting your info but in some ways the rift between mainline and DCI has worsened. I don't see any movement in building a coalition of the pilots as a whole. All I see is pilots looking for someone or thing to blame.

I was mainly bringing attention to the latest comair MEC rejection of giving furloughed Delta pilots preff. hiring to the bottom of their list, with out resigning their senority number.

I guess comair pilots don't want us to give them preff. hiring when that time comes around. Or any kind of hiring for that matter.

This will be very interesting. Lets see how this pans out, our MEC is looking at how to respond.

1015 pilots and counting, we will not forget!
I was mainly bringing attention to the latest comair MEC rejection of giving furloughed Delta pilots preff. hiring to the bottom of their list, with out resigning their senority number.


Sorry, my misunderstanding. I thought you were going in a different direction on this.

At ASA we have hired quite a few furloughs from all airlines. I have had the pleasure of seeing some old friends who are back and have come "full circle," in their careers. Some for better some for worse.

Regarding Comair's stance on this issue I have no information.


I think you guys a really "stand up". Thanks for allowing us the oportunity to fly with you guys.

This is a pretty crazy situation, with comair.

Anyway thanks for the support. I know we will also remember those who helped us.

take care and happy holidays.


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