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As if Embraer hasn't F'd up our Careers Enough....

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It's going to happen.

Get used to it.

We are going to join the brotherhood; Navigators, Flight Engineers, Barnstormers, Elevator Operators, Clipper sailors etc.

They all frothed at the mouth and said it could not happen; "People will not accept this, they will even choose to pay more to ride on ________ with a person driving." Yea, right.

It's not Embraer's fault. The sunset of our profession is visable.

Not in my lifetime. So I don't care.
Don't worry, the commercial rated FA's will always be there to help set the altimeter in case the one and only pilot gets the runs.
This will only happen after remote control of the aircraft, ie someone on the ground flying the plane while two pilots monitor, has been tested and flown for decades. Then and only then will the second pilot become redundant. I shudder to think of The White Dragon (ASA) being the backup to the UAV, God forbid the control link fails, who the hell would back her up?
I think it will happen, but my guess is not in the next 25 years. Like a previous poster said- the FAA moves at glacial speeds and I doubt anyone believes all this next generation stuff will really be on line here within 5 to 10 years of even today's plan. I have a feeling the single pilot airliners are going to require whatever the next next generation is and whenever it happens. I really hope it isn't until I'm retired.
... I shudder to think of The White Dragon (ASA) being the backup to the UAV, God forbid the control link fails, who the hell would back her up?

LOL, That is enough to halt the whole program right there. She is one scary individual.

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