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Are Pilots like Europeans?

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Hoke said:
Ace 757 aka single engine pilot. I have a question?
Are you really such a stupid twat? Or are you just pretending to be a stupid twat?

Nice name calling there buddy! Single engine hugh? Its been a couple of years, but I just flew with a buddy in his diamond last week if that counts. So I guess you know my background, and who I work for?? I may be Junior, but by no means a twat. I have alot to loose if the Delta pilots strike (ASA GONE!), but I say F...It. if im going to spend the next 25 years in the industry its going to have to get better than a crash pad in college park. So I hope the Delta pilots act like AMERICANS and stand up for the industry.
Oh and don't get me started on that whole S3c thing. Get paid nothing, and then have a lower priority than a Delta rampers kid. NICE
Ace757 said:
Europe(**Insert pilots) will never learn. For eight years, they stood by as Adolf Hitler(Insert Management) rose to power on a platform of brutality and hatred. Europe(pilots) did nothing to stop the Third Reich. And many over there actually embraced the savages. So Americans and British finally had to bail them out.
Likewise, when the Soviet Union(NWA) enslaved millions of Europeans(Employees), we had to bail them out again. So it's no surprise that many Europeans(Pilots), especially the media over there(Or posters on flight info), are soft on Al Qaeda.(Standing up against management) These people(pilots) will never learn.
Back here, the far left is just as bad. Here's how they want to fight terrorism. Give captured terrorists Geneva Convention protection, so they don't have to say anything and can be treated like soldiers. Give captured foreign terrorists American lawyers and try them in civilian courts.
By the way, the Sami Al-Arian trial took almost three years. So you can imagine the chaos.
Don't use coerce interrogation methods on captured terrorists, no, even if they know about impending attacks that will kill innocent people. And don't you dare use foreign nations to incarcerate captured terrorists. Don't use Guantanamo Bay either.
(Story continues below)
Essentially the far left wants every captured terrorist to have the same rights all Americans have, even if these people are captured killing people in foreign countries.
No country can win a war like that. Thus Al Qaeda will likely get another chance to slaughter thousands of Americans. And when that happens, you'll see a horrific backlash against the far left and their enablers in the mainstream media, but not until then.
There are even Americans who are happy Sami Al-Arian was acquitted. The former Florida college professor said publicly America should be danged to hell and there should be death to Israel. Nice.
Yet journalist Eric Boehlert, who works for the ultra-left Rolling Stone magazine says, "Al-Arian's case never had anything to do with Bin Laden or Saddam, but Bush's Justice Department, which indicted Al-Arian just one month before the invasion of Iraq..." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So according to that loon, and he is a loon, Al-Arian is not the problem, the Bush administration is. All Americans should reject people like Boehlert. And there are legions of them. These people are simply dangerous.
Al-Arian was found not guilty, so be it. Still has nine serious charges against him. And there's no question the guy sympathizes with terrorists, but so do some Americans.


Alice's Restaurant.

It's early, I'm bored, So I'll bite.
Hey kid, what makes you an expert on anything? Besides your ability to wankoff in the shower to a picture of Gannon/Guckert. By the way, He's bush's mojo and I hear little bushie gets jealous. Anyway, for what it's worth, Here's why some of us veterans like the Geneva Convention rules. When your rear is hung out to dry by Uncle Sam or some politician trying prove he's bad, You want all of the protection you can get. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't, But you WANT it. It's like the religious thing in the foxhole, although that ain't praying, that's begging. As far as the Proff in FL, and the Isreali's I'll take any Ally I can get but there are a few surviving sailors from the USS Liberty who might question what kind of Allies they are.
You see Kid, You've got a lot of opinions for someone who ain't grown up much. However, If you want a crash course, I can introduce to a recruiter, and I garuntee he is going to lie to you, but that'll learn you better than to believe everything Limbaugh or O'Reilly says.
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I am completely dumb founded by your ignorant post, which btw has no business on this forum...

The Geneva Convention is in place for a reason. The US along with most countries signed it and promised to honor and adhere to it. Even a suspected terrorist should be treated according to this, because after all, he/she is a suspect and has not been tried and convicted. You are innocent until proven guilty remember?

Hundreds of suspected terrorists have been released over the last few years because they were innocent. Do you really believe that they should have been tortured, intimidated etc?

If we as a nation do not honor and adhere to the Geneva Convention, why should other countries adhere to it? Are you the one that's going to tell our guy's/girls in the field in Iraq and Afghanistan working their a$$es off for ignorant people like you that they are no longer protected under the G.C.?

If a country/soldiers do not abide by the G.C., it allows us to prosecute the involved for war crimes at the International Court in The Hague (Netherlands). You think we should do away with that too?

The G.C. is not allways followed (by people like you) and that is unfortunate to say the least. But it has a place and it's important.

I also believe you ought to open up the history books again. It wasn't just the British and the US that fought the Nazi's and their allies. Some of our other allies were: France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia.

You also mention that the Europeans stood by while Hitler preached his despicable visions and climbed to power and that the US and the British had to bail out the Europeans. If my memory serves me correctly, the US had NO intention whatsoever to bail out anybody. This changed AFTER the US got their a$$ handed to them at Pearl Harbor. This is when it became personal and the US became involved and joined the coalition that was allready in place.

I also like to point out that this is a public forum and that we have several people on this board that are European and might feel unwelcome or offended by your ignorant comments. I am a European (Netherlands) but live/work in the US. There is no excuse for painting a picture like you did in your post and from reading all the rplies to your post so far, it seems that your visions are not being shared.

I was hoping that you were able to think for your self rather than take bits and pieces of info from O'Reilly and fabricate a story. You gotta have brains and use them as there is no place for sheep on the flightdeck!
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ACE has a little weweeee and now Europeans are to blame.
Your nuts right here----> :smash:

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