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Approach Gate

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Paperwork Proficient
Jan 26, 2006
I forget how far out from the FAF is the approach gate?

I think it is one mile but just checking.
Are you asking....

Are you asking at what distance the controller is required to have turned on by?

That would depend on the wx mins. at the time. And, with certain mins. they have to ask you if it is okay to turn you on inside a mile.

I am not sure what you are asking exactly. Please be more specific.
RefugePilot said:
I forget how far out from the FAF is the approach gate?

I think it is one mile but just checking.

Here you go:

APPROACH GATE- An imaginary point used within ATC as a basis for vectoring aircraft to the final approach course. The gate will be established along the final approach course 1 mile from the final approach fix on the side away from the airport and will be no closer than 5 miles from the landing threshold.

Where did you find that info. I searched a bunch of sources but could not find it.


Try the Pilot/Controller Glossary....FAR/AIM (2006)...ASA (version) page 912.

I should've tried that too.
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honeycomb said:
Are you asking at what distance the controller is required to have turned on by?

I am not sure what you are asking exactly. Please be more specific.

I know the requirements for turning less than 2 miles before the gate and inside the gate.

I have been getting slam dunked recently just wondering if I have been my turns out far enough.
I have had this problem before....

I have had problems too. A while back going into LGC (lagrange, ga) I could not get a good vector.

I mean Bad...Bad...Vectors. I mean a couple of months of being nice did not work. I even asked for 5 mile led on finals. I got barely 1. Most of the time I was established so late that I was past the marker. And, looooow...looooow IFR days too. Go arounds did not phase them at all. Back to a bad vector...again.

So, I busted out the wooooooppppp'n stick....It finally led me to ask if they were doing training.....well they (ATL) did not like it at all.

I did not want a bad rap for my N-number but what else could I do. I had spoken on the phone more than I thought was necessary.

After that.....I never got a bad turn again.

Use it only if you really have too.

RefugePilot said:
Where did you find that info. I searched a bunch of sources but could not find it.


Yep - the Pilot Controller Glossary. An often over-looked absolute mine of information. It's one of the rules I use when researching. If you've looked everywhere else and believe that the concept you're looking for cannot exist and must be an old wives tale - check the PCG - it'll be in there :)
[SIZE=+1]Section 9. Radar Arrivals[/SIZE]


Except as provided in para 7-4-2, Vectors for Visual Approach, vector arriving aircraft to intercept the final approach course:

a. At least 2 miles outside the approach gate unless one of the following exists:

1. When the reported ceiling is at least 500 feet above the MVA/MIA and the visibility is at least 3 miles (report may be a PIREP if no weather is reported for the airport), aircraft may be vectored to intercept the final approach course closer than 2 miles outside the approach gate but no closer than the approach gate.

2. If specifically requested by the pilot, aircraft may be vectored to intercept the final approach course inside the approach gate but no closer than the final approach fix.

EXCEPTION. Conditions 1 and 2 above do not apply to RNAV aircraft being vectored for a GPS or RNAV approach.

b. For a precision approach, at an altitude not above the glideslope/glidepath or below the minimum glideslope intercept altitude specified on the approach procedure chart.

c. For a nonprecision approach, at an altitude which will allow descent in accordance with the published procedure.


A pilot request for an "evaluation approach," or a "coupled approach," or use of a similar term, indicates the pilot desires the application of subparas a and b.

d. EN ROUTE. The following provisions are required before an aircraft may be vectored to the final approach course:

1. The approach gate and a line (solid or broken), depicting the final approach course starting at or passing through the approach gate and extending away from the airport, be displayed on the radar scope; for a precision approach, the line length shall extend at least the maximum range of the localizer; for a nonprecision approach, the line length shall extend at least 10NM outside the approach gate; and

2. The maximum range selected on the radar display is 150 NM; or

3. An adjacent radar display is set at 125 NM or less, configured for the approach in use, and is utilized for the vector to the final approach course.

4. If unable to comply with subparas 1, 2, or 3 above, issue the clearance in accordance with para 4-8-1, Approach Clearance.



FAAO 7110.65, Approach Clearance, Para 4-8-1.

FAAO 7110.65, Final Approach Course Interception, Para 5-9-2.
Aim 5-9-1

I have a copy of 5-9-1 and it does not give the location of the approach gate. Also I can not find the 5-9-1 in my ASA 2006 FAR/AIM, it only goes up to 5-6, before chapter 6. Is it incomplete or has the AIM been altered since 5-9-1 existed.

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