Heres another question: that wonderfull-lick test.....on the gouge many have said to answer as many as you can. The number wrong DOES'NT count against you! Can anyone verify this? If this were the case, why does'nt everybody just finish it (right or wrong) without any thought?! I cant imagine getting 50 questions wrong would not be held against you!!!!
I don’t subscribe to that theory of ‘answer as many as you can’. I say answer as many ‘right’ as you can. Because, if you get in that mindset of just answering for the sake of answering, and not even taking time to figure out a questions, most of your answers would be wrong. If you just randomly start writing down answers, based on ‘Monkey’ statistics for the ‘multiple-choice’ questionnaire, you’d still get about 7.5 right out of 50.
All my life I have done these kinds of tests and still I took my time. I’m sure I got most of them right – mostly math questions – and I could only make it to 25 or 26.
Any test I take, I immediately divide questions in easy/hard parts. Then math/non-math questions and go at it. Granted 12 minutes is not much time, but you’d do well if you answer 20 questions right. Even though I think I got most of them right, but I’m POSITIVE that I got at least 20 out of 25 right.