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Anyone go to the Aeroservice/Climbto350.com careers fair?

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Yeah, I know southern was collecting resumes (ie. the dude with the soccer jersey walking around), I just can't believe that he was conducting interviews and hiring people on the spot. I guess stranger things have happened though...
Ok guys I've been in 4 jobs fair so far.
3 of them were the old AEPS that had a fair price but was bought by This $#it AIRInc wich exploit jobless pilot etc...
Aeroservice was my 4th one and It was the best so far the looong lines were due the fact that several companies were interviewing on the spot and that takes longer than usual resume delivery.
I personally was invited for an interview on the following day and got hired my class will start on july the 11th for Kalitta.
So I think you guys who are rich and want to keep giving money to AirInc go ahead but by the other hand those who have some caracter and self respect should never pay that big bucks just to have an oportunity to drop a resume, think about and stop inflation and lower the bar.
I would be suspect of anything which is connected to aeroservice.... or at least anything which they say...that is all

Only because I live in FLL and I had five hard days off from my G-job anyway, I went to the free Job Fair. What a waste of time. There were only two companies there that you would consider good leads and they were SWA and Cathay. Both had L-O-N-G lines and plenty of suits standing along the wall shuffling there feet comparing the size of their schlongs. I stayed just long enough to enter the drawing for the type rating (didn't win) and see who else was represented (crap). Since I am a glass pilot, I did look into Aeroservice's sim programs. The only schedules they run are for old generation aircraft; no glass except for an MD88, but they do not run classes on this. Note to real-time pilots: I have gotten more call backs sending a well written resume and cover letter by US Postal Service. Sometimes the old ways are the best ways, I always say. As far as the Aeroservice shill posted above, well his type/total time shows you what kind of schmuck he really is. Mommie and daddy? I wanna be and airline pilot NOW!!!
Hey guys,
I went into the job fair the same way everyone else did. I waited on the same lines as everyone else did and spoke to the same people that everyone else did. I did not get this job by paying for it or asking anyone else for help. I earned it because I was in the right place at the right time.

And yes, I was hired. It that is too much for you guys to handle then maybe you should take a look at yourselves rather than slaming other people.

This was my goal and I worked hard for it. Just because I did not do it your way does not mean that I am any less of a professional.

Nice attitude to welcome new pilots into the industry. Now I see why so many of the old airlines are going broke!!!!

The good news is that I won't allow your negative attitude to bring me down to your level.

See ya around. I have to go fly.

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