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Any new Rumors on ASA Furloughs ??

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Doesn't seem likely, especially as they are giving our routes to others as big D postions others...sky, cmr, chit...just in case...

I was not at all talking about Comair. I'm Dallas based. I was speaking about Chit taking our Brasilia routes. I'm not bashing any one airline. ASA decided to retire the Brasilia's alot faster than anticipated. We don't have the aircraft to do the old Brasilia routes. I think this combined with "the contract", forced management to farm out the routes to Chit. Skywest is also doing alot of routes out of DFW as well. I'm just hoping once we get the aircraft, and out contract negotiated, we'll get those Brasilia routes back.

Besides, it's management that's makes all the decisions and not the pilots. There's no reason to blame Chit, Skywest or any other airline for managements greed.
They took ours too

All of our DFW flying gone. One CVG turn that is it. It is frustrating for us, because we know DAL is postioning us in ATL in case you guys strike, and we can't do anything about it. It is not flying struck work if we are already there. We can beat them, but we seriously have to open up communication lines between CMR and ASA. We are not different. We need to sit at the table together and get this thing fixed. If CMR and ASA flew all of the DAL feeder flying, that would be enough growth for both of us for years. We have the negotiating power the Question is do we have the Ballas. I think we both do, we just need to find a way to combine this energy into a single voice.
We will have a chance to fix this once and for all! As long as we don't sign a 16 year contract we will be ok.

P.S. IFLYASA: I know a lot of guys that are thinking the same thing you are about MCO. They are flying our turboprop routes out of MCO, but growing out of CMH and DFW. Hopefully, they will get a contract good enough so they are not the cheapest and then we will truly see what DAL intentions are. My guess is CHQ will not lose a thing. They could be the most expensive carrier, and they would still get flying because they have more leverage over us (ASA, CMR) with them flying.
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"In other news.. walking around the GO today, there was much talk (yes, another rumor) about Delta approving acquisition of an additional 25 airframes (40 total) in '04.

Though it'd be nice, I'm not going to bet my life savings on it."

I am not trying to flame here, but would this be an order for 70 seaters or 50 seaters (or a varient)? We all know about the scope clause and the allotted amount of 70 seaters. It might happen though, I have no clue what we will negotiate away in these negotiations. But, I do know we have 1310 people who would like to fly again. (Hopefully 250 will be back soon with the grievance) And, I am not trying to make anyone mad here, I am just trying to figure out what is going on, and hoping my friends get to fly again soon.

Bye Bye--General Lee
I didn't realize that the propagation of a rumor would raise anyone's eyebrows so high. I imagine they were 50's, but that's speculation on a rumor, akin to a SWAG.
I was told the same thing

Yesterday at the GO, training stated a new buy of 25 additional 40 and 50 seaters for 2004 was in the mill. Additionally, they also stated that by the end of 2003, our pilot numbers would match the aircraft numbers. With the additional 15 70 seaters for 2004, we would have to hire a min of 150 pilots.
There was talk about furloughs last week, but management decided that by the time all of the paperwork, notification, etc. was completed, it would be time to start bringing the furloughed guys back. This would also put an additional strain on training and the company would be understaffed and playing catch up.
I really dont think Delta is done expanding DCI, so the 25 new aircraft idea may be true. Who knows, but at least there will be a little movement next year with the arrival of the 70 seaters.:cool:
Isn't the current delivery schedule with the present 57-aircraft limit 27 CR7 to OH and 30 CR7 to EV? If so, they can still deliver CR7 to EV in 2003/4 and remain under the cap.

Any word on the progress of the contract talks?


Where did you guys hear this rumor for 25 new jets?

Exactly what part of the following did you not understand???

Yesterday at the GO, training stated a new buy of 25 additional 40 and 50 seaters for 2004 was in the mill.

Sorry, but I'm just a messenger. Dont know if it is true or what? But, I dont think DCI is done with any expansion at the moment. Anyway, the next year will at least be interesting.:eek:
Like I said in the other thread, Management would probably love to furlough about 100 ASA pilots right now. The problem for them is that by the time the furlough is completed, they would need to recall said pilots, and retrain many of them (at a huge cost to the company). It isn't cost effective to furlough from ASA rignt now.

It would be great to get 25 unexpected RJ's next year. I guess that would bring around 125 new crew positions. I'll believe it when they are parked on the ramp in DFW.

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