Excellent posts by all.
I've read them with interest because I am considering going the opposite of Foties.
I am tired of all the squadron BS and yearn to be a traditional who just shows up and flies. Its possible that line flying will bore me, but my guess is that it won't.
Most of my colleagues have gone SWA and they seem to be quite happy.
(Thread jump, sorry) Since my SWA buddies will never tell me, does anybody have any reasons why SWA is not the place to go? I have heard that it will take years to make Captain there, but from the pay scales I've seen, 3rd years FO is very comfortable, and it only gets better after that. I've also heard about short routes and quick turns, but that doesn't faze me, either. Are these the only downsides to SWA?
Good luck with your decision, Foties. I change my own decision every day!
I've read them with interest because I am considering going the opposite of Foties.
I am tired of all the squadron BS and yearn to be a traditional who just shows up and flies. Its possible that line flying will bore me, but my guess is that it won't.
Most of my colleagues have gone SWA and they seem to be quite happy.
(Thread jump, sorry) Since my SWA buddies will never tell me, does anybody have any reasons why SWA is not the place to go? I have heard that it will take years to make Captain there, but from the pay scales I've seen, 3rd years FO is very comfortable, and it only gets better after that. I've also heard about short routes and quick turns, but that doesn't faze me, either. Are these the only downsides to SWA?
Good luck with your decision, Foties. I change my own decision every day!