Anyone getting the feeling they are going to be activated?
(I am asking because I have delayed joining the guard/reserves until I secure a job I have been hired for but not trained for. If I joined and got activated it would hurt me as much as stop-loss did.)
Be sure to research a very important public law called USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment Reemployment Rights Act) of 1994, and apply it to your case. If you are on the payroll of a company, USERRA protects your job very well when you return from serving your country. Better yet, USERRA demands that your employer maintain your seniority as though you never left in the first place. Here's a sample:
"Uniformed Services Employment
and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, as amended
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights
Act (USERRA) was enacted by Congress and signed into law by
President Clinton on October 13, 1994. Congress amended the law in 1996, 1998, and 2000. The version shown here includes all
amendments through October 1, 2001. If further amendments are
made, we will include them here. USERRA is codified in Title 38,
United States Code, Sections 4301-4333 (38 U.S.C. 4301-4333)..."
Let's say you sign in for your training on day 1. Day 2, you start training, and day 3 you are recalled. Since you would be recalled involuntarily, you would be assured your job no matter how long you were absent. Were you to volunteer to serve your country, USERRA protects your job for up to 5 years while away.
I'm currently back on active duty after retirement, enjoying a reprieve from the industry upheaval, while getting in some great flying. Even though the intent of this program is to fill RPI 6 staff billets, you should feel free to negotiate a full time flying slot at your favorite wing. The beauty of the deal is: 1) ineligible for promotion, 2) contract expiration supercedes any active duty service commitment, and 3) 1405 time accrued while you were away. The 1405 time is what counts for years of service when recalculating the retirement pay. By the way, USERRA applies just in case you may be reluctant to leave your current job.
"RUMOR" has it that if we do (oh, we will) go get Saddam to "control his oil" , every tanker unit in the country will be activated. Heard this from an official with the Pentagon.
Ah, I had thos thoughts going through my head over a year ago. Well I guess that is the life of an SP. "First to go, Last to no!"
I'll tell you what though, the soliders and salors relief act is a great thing. Need any good info on employment rights and other info, just ask the SP's, I am sure they know.
You can never know when it is true or not but I have heard something about Jan '03 a stoploss across the board.. but again I have had friends on the ready to go to Kuwait and are still on the ready far past their original dates and these were just regularly scheduled training ops.
I hear yah. Our SP's have been activated for a year. They didn't get to deactivate with the rest of us this August. They are currently at McConnell and have heard that they are headed out overseas soon. Good luck to you and the rest of our SP's around the world.
Well, I am one of the lucky few that has seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I am headed to AMS and UPT so they deactivated me this month. But for my bro's, well I know they won't get to slow down anytime soon. I really feel for them.
Yeah....I'm with ya there bloud. what sux is that all of us (SPs) already mobilized for the last year are gonna face another "mob" meaning we start the 2year clock over! As for re-employment I'm a$$ed out -self-employed CFI. some other guys got my job..and from what i heard he's flying corporate...& I have to suck it up and look forward to being unemployed, out of currency, and have to take a hit on what would have been my total time. Then no one wants to hire you beacause of that and above that they know you're a reservist and hire someone else. too many pilots walking the streets why would they pay to train me, pay someone else when I get mobilized, and repay for my training when i come back? Very sad truth and i always ask why i ever did it...I know its the right thing and I'm just hoping that my home station flying units will give me a slot. just my $.02 bloud i'm very happy for you..keep in touch!
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