What determines if newhires are placed in the Lance or Navajo? Is it just the need of the company or the total/multi time of the applicant? I'll have 1400/250 by the time I am able to leave my current job. Would this get me in the twin right out of training?
probably get you into the navajo, but it just depends on company need. i was hired into the navajo with 1400\130. there was a guy in my indoc who was hired into the lance with 1800\300. probably has to do with how you interview, what your preferred domicile is, etc... if you go to the lance it pays the same as the chieftain, and you'll upgrade to the twin very quickly. even though i went straight into the chieftain, the lance pilot had been flying the 99 for three months when i went back out to burbank for upgrade.
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