First off...Alpha is a good place to work...they've been in business for a while so they aren't experiencing the growing pains anymore...
Second...they have a HUGE benefit if being the leading service center for the Pilatus in the country...I think the Alpha fleet operations are approaching something like 25-30,000 hours without incident...not bad for a little single...says something about the company too..
The accident in NJ (TTN) was an engine failure on TO at 800'...number 1 bearing failure...pilot turned it around, landed and all walked away...largest damage was done by the rescue crew who essentially totalled the aircraft with their equipment trying to move it...bearing failure blamed on arcing from Gen 1, although that has never been AD has been issued however...
Accident in Canada was essentially pilot error...and the one in MO last summer was a pilot who was a little over their head as far as aircraft/wx, etc...
If you can get on with AFI it may very well be the cushiest flying job out there...decent pay, great benefits good work environment, home quite often...and so on...IF you can get past the single-engine each his (or her) own...
In case you are all wondering, I am not an employee of Alpha...just an outside person with a respect for the company...
The Missouri accident A/C used to reside in our hanger in Vacaville at the NUT TREE , and the pilot that ought fauiled the IFR portion of the check ride and we think he didnt activate the icepusher mode and flew into heavy ice!!...but we thought the airplane went down in a lake???hmm
The PC 12 is Fun to operate and will go places that most would never imagine and you should see the looks on thier faces in the back country
Okay, sounds like a nice place, what is upgrade time like? Do they hire straight into Captain position? And what is the pay like? Any answers would be appreciated.
Rarely does alpha hire into the left seat from outside of the company..they prefer to promote from within...although you never know...
starting pay for PIC for the first 6 mo. is 35,000 then 40,000 for the next 6 months...second year 44, third 50, fourth 54 or 55 and fifth is 60...not too high, but it's a fairly easy flying job...
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