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Alpa Endorses Kerry?

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bpapaDC8 said:
I would be interested to hear you (A FedEx pilot) educate some folks about the differences in what a company union can do for you versus ALPA (AFL-CIO)
I don't want to hijack the thread, but I can tell you that it doesn't make sense to reinvent the wheel, which is what you wind up doing in a Company union. Ultimately, the "in-house" union served a very good purpose which it then outgrew. Most anti-union pilots would have never joined ALPA. The in-house union was an educational experience for all.

You wouldn't got to AutoZone and buy all the parts to assemble your own car at home, would you?

The name of the game is RESOURCES.

Why? Becuase our current administration has, under the guise of fear, fear, and fear, brought this country into a war that has cost our nation not only countless billions of dollars but also the lives of our servicemen and women in the mean time lining their pockets along the way. If anyone thinks that the war in terror starts in Iraq then I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. By all definitions this war was unnessary. But, if we are going to fight the war on terror how about we start first with our buddies in Sadia Arabia where 15 of the 19 hijackers originated from. But we don't. Why? Because of Greed, Money, Oil, and Politics. In that order.
MJG said:
That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read.

"Most" folks do not like Bush because of how he and his administration have run the country over the last four years, not because of his religion or moral values. Personally I think he is a respectable person despite his checkered history. But in my opinion he's been a lousy President. I could care less which religion he subscribes to or what his moral values are. He's failed to get the job done, period. That's why "most" of us don't like him as President.

Once a baby killing, drug loving , anti-family liberal, always a baby killing, drug loving , anti-family liberal. You liberals are comical, at best.

I assume you were o.k. with clinton. A little "head" in the oval office never hurt any one. What a joke.
Since we've reached the point of posting reasons, I'll add that I like Bush, even though I don't agree with all of his policies, mainly because he has done an excellent job with national security since 9-11. The Iraq War was long overdue (and going a lot better than the papers would have you believe). He has also been instrumental in helping to eliminate the WMDs in Iran and Libya. The fact that there hasn't been a major terrorist attack in the US since 9-11 is telling.

Bush's tax cuts have reversed the recession, which of course was brought on by the 9-11 attacks, which were more damaging to the airline industry than any labor issue that I can think of.

Additionally, I, like Bush and Reagan, am a social conservative. The murder of babies, abortion, is an important issue to me. The partial birth abortion bill passed Congress many times under Clinton and each time he vetoed it. The bill was signed into law under President Bush.

Furthermore, President Bush is the first president since Lincoln (that I know of) who has taken steps to eliminate slavery (of Africans in Africa). He also has started prosecuting people who engage in illegal sex tourism.

The Democrats and Kerry will subordinate our national defense to the UN, raise our taxes, appoint more judicial activists who legislate from the bench, allow the slaughter of thousands of babies, perpetuate class warfare and race baiting, and belittle my faith in God.

I don't dislike all Democrats. I could be satisfied with a Joe Lieberman presidency. Zell Miller is a good guy. I understand that ALPA is a union and, as such, is expected by its AFL-CIO cronies to rubber stamp the Democratic nominee, but as long as ALPA supports candidates that so squarely oppose my beliefs, I will not... and cannot in good conscience... support ALPA PAC. I like my job, but I love my country more.
blueridge71 said:
Since we've reached the point of posting reasons, I'll add that I like Bush, even though I don't agree with all of his policies, mainly because he has done an excellent job with national security since 9-11. The Iraq War was long overdue (and going a lot better than the papers would have you believe). He has also been instrumental in helping to eliminate the WMDs in Iran and Libya. The fact that there hasn't been a major terrorist attack in the US since 9-11 is telling.

Bush's tax cuts have reversed the recession, which of course was brought on by the 9-11 attacks, which were more damaging to the airline industry than any labor issue that I can think of.

Additionally, I, like Bush and Reagan, am a social conservative. The murder of babies, abortion, is an important issue to me. The partial birth abortion bill passed Congress many times under Clinton and each time he vetoed it. The bill was signed into law under President Bush.

Furthermore, President Bush is the first president since Lincoln (that I know of) who has taken steps to eliminate slavery (of Africans in Africa). He also has started prosecuting people who engage in illegal sex tourism.

The Democrats and Kerry will subordinate our national defense to the UN, raise our taxes, appoint more judicial activists who legislate from the bench, allow the slaughter of thousands of babies, perpetuate class warfare and race baiting, and belittle my faith in God.

I don't dislike all Democrats. I could be satisfied with a Joe Lieberman presidency. Zell Miller is a good guy. I understand that ALPA is a union and, as such, is expected by its AFL-CIO cronies to rubber stamp the Democratic nominee, but as long as ALPA supports candidates that so squarely oppose my beliefs, I will not... and cannot in good conscience... support ALPA PAC. I like my job, but I love my country more.

Once a baby killing, drug loving , anti-family liberal, always a baby killing, drug loving , anti-family liberal. You liberals are comical, at best.

I assume you were o.k. with clinton. A little "head" in the oval office never hurt any one. What a joke.
I stand corrected. This is the most ignorant thing I've ever read. Funny thing is that just because someone doesn't like Bush you're automatically branded a "liberal". Even funnier is that I'm a registered Republican. Go figure.

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