I just learned that ALG pilot and ALPA Executive Vice President Captian Matt Kernan is secretly working for US Airways! His dad was a former US Air MEC Chariman, and the kid is following in his old man's footsteps. So now he is stabbing the ALPA group C airlines in the back, as he advocates that they accept the lousy deal that the Airways mec has proposed.
The following is the text of this ridiculous proposal. Kernan endorses it, so let your own sensibilities be our guide as to whether he is selling the pilot goups he represents down the road.
Here it is:
The US Airways pilots have developed protocols for US Airways to deploy additional Small Jets at Express partners. If these protocols are acceptable to an Express pilot group and their management, the mainline pilots would agree to the placement by US Airways of additional Small Jets at the Express partner. We have developed a new LOA, which authorizes US Airways to use Small Jets in exchange for employment opportunities for furloughed Mainline pilots. We have described this concept as “Jets for Jobs.”
When the US Airways Mainline pilots are recalled to active service at the Mainline, the Small Jets acquired in accordance with these Protocols would remain at the Express partner. Vacancies would then be filled by pilots on the Express Operator’s seniority list. We would hope that this arrangement would be beneficial for all parties. Since US Airways is anxious to begin acquiring additional Small Jets, and we are interested in employment opportunities for our furloughees, your immediate consideration of these Protocols is important.
Protocols for Deploying Additional US Airways Express Small Jets
1. Prior to permitting any Small Jets to be placed into operation over the current contractual limitation of 70 aircraft, US Airways, in conjunction with ALPA, shall negotiate agreement(s) to offer employment to furloughed Mainline pilots with the Express Operator(s) scheduled to operate such equipment. All vacancies created by acquisition of equipment by an Express Operator as a result of this Letter of Agreement shall be offered to Mainline pilots who are subject to furlough.
2. When such Express Operator(s) are selected, the number of available positions and the projected date of the vacancies shall be bulletined for bid. Such pilot positions shall be offered in seniority order, at no fewer than eight pilots per Small Jet, to any pilot on the US Airways Seniority List who is on furlough, is projected to be furloughed based on the then current system bid, or is in a seniority range that is announced to be furloughed by the Company. A Mainline pilot may bid to fill a vacancy at an Express Operator as a captain, first officer or “any position.”
3. A Mainline pilot may fill a known vacancy at an Express Operator by leaving his Mainline position prior to the pilot’s date of furlough. However, the pilot must provide no less than 30 days’ notice to US Airways. A pilot exercising this option shall be considered on a personal leave of absence until his date of furlough. Should a pilot who is scheduled to be furloughed decide not to bid an available vacancy, he shall forfeit any rights to the vacancy until such time as additional vacancies become available at an Express Operator. In addition, a pilot may elect to accept furlough in lieu of this opportunity for employment at an Express Operator.
4. A pilot who accepts employment under this provision shall be subject to rates of pay, rules and working conditions of pilots employed by the operating carrier, except that, for pay purposes only, a US Airways pilot’s date of hire at the Mainline shall determine the pilot’s longevity for compensation. A Mainline pilot will not be subject to a training or employment contract at the Express Operator. The pilot shall retain all recall rights at the Company and shall continue all accruals under the Agreement applicable to a furloughed pilot.
5. If an insufficient number of US Airways pilots apply to fill the Small Jet positions at the operating carrier, the operating carrier may fill the positions with pilots from its seniority list.
6. If pilots are recalled at the Mainline, the Mainline pilots remaining at the Express Operator shall rebid to fill the vacancies created by the pilots who have returned to the Mainline. When US Airways pilots are recalled to Mainline, remaining vacancies will be filled by the Express Operator’s pilots.
7. If captain vacancies become available at an Express Operator during the term of this Letter of Agreement, such vacancies shall be offered to the furloughed US Airways pilots serving as first officers at the Express Carrier in seniority order. All US Airways furloughees shall be qualified as captains when they are trained to assume their positions at the Express Carrier.
8. After the initial bid, if additional vacancies become available at an Express Operator because they receive additional US Airways Small Jets, such vacancies shall be made available for bid to the furloughed US Airways pilots in seniority order.
9. If through no fault of his own a furloughed Mainline pilot loses his job at a participating Express Operator, the pilot shall be eligible to bid for any vacancy at any other Express Operator in accordance with his seniority.
10. No US Airways Mainline pilot will be obligated to tender a resignation letter to US Airways to obtain employment with any Express Operator.
The following is the text of this ridiculous proposal. Kernan endorses it, so let your own sensibilities be our guide as to whether he is selling the pilot goups he represents down the road.
Here it is:
The US Airways pilots have developed protocols for US Airways to deploy additional Small Jets at Express partners. If these protocols are acceptable to an Express pilot group and their management, the mainline pilots would agree to the placement by US Airways of additional Small Jets at the Express partner. We have developed a new LOA, which authorizes US Airways to use Small Jets in exchange for employment opportunities for furloughed Mainline pilots. We have described this concept as “Jets for Jobs.”
When the US Airways Mainline pilots are recalled to active service at the Mainline, the Small Jets acquired in accordance with these Protocols would remain at the Express partner. Vacancies would then be filled by pilots on the Express Operator’s seniority list. We would hope that this arrangement would be beneficial for all parties. Since US Airways is anxious to begin acquiring additional Small Jets, and we are interested in employment opportunities for our furloughees, your immediate consideration of these Protocols is important.
Protocols for Deploying Additional US Airways Express Small Jets
1. Prior to permitting any Small Jets to be placed into operation over the current contractual limitation of 70 aircraft, US Airways, in conjunction with ALPA, shall negotiate agreement(s) to offer employment to furloughed Mainline pilots with the Express Operator(s) scheduled to operate such equipment. All vacancies created by acquisition of equipment by an Express Operator as a result of this Letter of Agreement shall be offered to Mainline pilots who are subject to furlough.
2. When such Express Operator(s) are selected, the number of available positions and the projected date of the vacancies shall be bulletined for bid. Such pilot positions shall be offered in seniority order, at no fewer than eight pilots per Small Jet, to any pilot on the US Airways Seniority List who is on furlough, is projected to be furloughed based on the then current system bid, or is in a seniority range that is announced to be furloughed by the Company. A Mainline pilot may bid to fill a vacancy at an Express Operator as a captain, first officer or “any position.”
3. A Mainline pilot may fill a known vacancy at an Express Operator by leaving his Mainline position prior to the pilot’s date of furlough. However, the pilot must provide no less than 30 days’ notice to US Airways. A pilot exercising this option shall be considered on a personal leave of absence until his date of furlough. Should a pilot who is scheduled to be furloughed decide not to bid an available vacancy, he shall forfeit any rights to the vacancy until such time as additional vacancies become available at an Express Operator. In addition, a pilot may elect to accept furlough in lieu of this opportunity for employment at an Express Operator.
4. A pilot who accepts employment under this provision shall be subject to rates of pay, rules and working conditions of pilots employed by the operating carrier, except that, for pay purposes only, a US Airways pilot’s date of hire at the Mainline shall determine the pilot’s longevity for compensation. A Mainline pilot will not be subject to a training or employment contract at the Express Operator. The pilot shall retain all recall rights at the Company and shall continue all accruals under the Agreement applicable to a furloughed pilot.
5. If an insufficient number of US Airways pilots apply to fill the Small Jet positions at the operating carrier, the operating carrier may fill the positions with pilots from its seniority list.
6. If pilots are recalled at the Mainline, the Mainline pilots remaining at the Express Operator shall rebid to fill the vacancies created by the pilots who have returned to the Mainline. When US Airways pilots are recalled to Mainline, remaining vacancies will be filled by the Express Operator’s pilots.
7. If captain vacancies become available at an Express Operator during the term of this Letter of Agreement, such vacancies shall be offered to the furloughed US Airways pilots serving as first officers at the Express Carrier in seniority order. All US Airways furloughees shall be qualified as captains when they are trained to assume their positions at the Express Carrier.
8. After the initial bid, if additional vacancies become available at an Express Operator because they receive additional US Airways Small Jets, such vacancies shall be made available for bid to the furloughed US Airways pilots in seniority order.
9. If through no fault of his own a furloughed Mainline pilot loses his job at a participating Express Operator, the pilot shall be eligible to bid for any vacancy at any other Express Operator in accordance with his seniority.
10. No US Airways Mainline pilot will be obligated to tender a resignation letter to US Airways to obtain employment with any Express Operator.