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Purple Rules
Jan 7, 2002
Guys & Gals,

I felt compelled to write this post due to the results of last week's elections. For those of you unfamiliar with the Senate's proposed "Airline Labor Dispute Resolution Act", S. 1327, you need to be. This bill could have a DEVASTATING affect on our careers, earnings and our families. If you're not familiar with it, this bill is an attempt to circumvent the Railway Labor Act. The legislation would impose “last offer” baseball style binding arbitration on contract negotiations in the airline industry, effectively destroying airline labor’s ability to negotiate a fair contract. It would allow an arbitrator to pick one side's proposal (i.e. management's) over the other's and make it stick. It takes away airline labor's right to vote on our contracts and even denies our right to strike! This is a Republican bill and has been pushed by all major airline CEOs (gee, I wonder why). These guys have massive political lobbying clout and are buying votes. Obviously with the results of last week's elections, it has a REALISTIC CHANCE of passing.

My point, you ask? If you have not already done so, EVERY pilot needs to CONTACT YOUR SENATORS IMMEDIATELY! It is extremely EASY. If you're not an ALPA member, go to www.congress.org, put in your zip code at the top of the page, then select "write all your elected officials with one click." If you are an ALPA member, log in to the website and click on the "Airline Labor Dispute Resolution Act" icon in the middle of the page, then click on "ACTION ALERT." Type in your zip code and this allows you to shotgun out e-mails to your senators in one easy step, there's even a prepared e-mail if you elect to use it. Either of these take less than 5 minutes, you don't have to write an essay, just urge your senators to oppose S. 1327, the Airline Labor Dispute Resolution Act. Let them know that it is extremely important to you and your family, and that their decision will affect your next vote for, or against them. I have written several times and will continue to do so because my Republican Senators keep writing me back with their party line of how good this bill is.

Hopefully I won't offend anyone since this isn't "interview" or "hiring" related, however I feel very strongly that this issue is TOO IMPORTANT to our futures to not take the few minutes required to let your voice be heard.

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